The world’s largest brain tumor, weighing a staggering 1.8 kg (4.12 pounds), has been successfully removed by a team of surgeons in India.

Santlal Pal, 31, had complained of a progressive swelling of scalp, heaviness, headaches and a loss of vision in both eyes ever since he was one.

By the time he was admitted to B.Y.L. Nair Charitable Hospital in Mumbai he was blind and his scalp has swelled to 12 x 12 x 8 inches and appeared as if he had two heads mounted on top of each other.

Scans revealed the tumor had invaded into the brain on both sides of the midline through skull bone and revealed the blood supply of the tumor.

But in a seven-hour-long operation, Indian doctors successfully removed the massive tumor along with skull bone which had invaded into the brain.

Pal needed a transfusion of 11 units of blood and then spent three days on life support afterwards but has since made a good recovery.

Dr. Trimurti Nadkarni, who led the surgery, said: “Such large tumors are rare and are a surgical challenge.”

“There was a heavy blood loss and this required great team skill in perioperative monitoring for a successful result.”

“The patient has made good recovery and is now ambulatory and on full diet. He feels relieved of ‘a large burden on his head.’”