The world’s first child created using a controversial “three-parent” baby technique has been born in Mexico, it has been announced. Limited details about the birth were revealed ahead of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine’s scientific congress in Salt Lake City next month, where it will be discussed more fully.Continue Reading

Napping for more than an hour during the day could be a warning sign for type-2 diabetes, Japanese researchers suggest. They found the link after analysing observational studies involving more than 300,000 people. UK experts said people with long-term illnesses and undiagnosed diabetes often felt tired during the day. ButContinue Reading

NEW DELHI: In a rare scathing attack, the World Health Organisation’s India representative has slammed India’s government-owned disease surveillance system, saying it does not capture the true picture of the outbreaks. The hint is that the low numbers being reported by the government of chikungunya and dengue cases could be becauseContinue Reading