Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Kalikho Pul has announced that the state will have its first Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) Centre in Itanagar very soon. “Through STPI, we hope to provide skill training to the youth, while empowering them digitally and economically,” said Chief Minister Kalikho Pul and hopedContinue Reading

This week, Pocket FM 2.0 has been launched.  Pocket FM is a portable FM radio transmitter that enables people in crisis regions or developing countries to communicate without internet, mobile phones, television or when electricity is unavailable. Despite technological innovation, local radio continues to be a vital source of informationContinue Reading

The Indian government has committed 980bn rupees ($14.5bn; £10.9bn) to a flagship smart cities’ programme, but the social entrepreneur behind the country’s first smart village thinks they’ve missed some low-hanging fruit. City-dwellers tend to take electricity for granted, says Ashok Das, but for the roughly 200 million Indians living off-grid,Continue Reading

India’s internet companies are racing to cut costs amid a cooling of investor sentiment towards the sector, which had been one of the most conspicuous targets for a global surge of funding into technology start-ups over the past two years. Grofers, whose smartphone app allows users to order groceries fromContinue Reading

Sewage water may soon become Kerala’s next source of electricity as a team of scientists has developed a technology to tap power generation from the same. Developed by Amrita School of Biotechnology, the technology, called Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs), converts chemical energy of feedstock into electricity by exploiting the metabolismContinue Reading

She is punctual, tireless, and always looking to learn new skills. Meet Betty, Britain’s first robotic office manager who has been let loose on an workplace in Milton Keynes to see how well she can integrate with staff. Programmed with the latest artificial intelligence software, Betty will spend the nextContinue Reading