By Felix Anthony

Longding: A massive fire accident in one of the remote villages of Arunachal Pradesh has reduced 57 houses to ashes and charred to death an elderly woman.

The fire broke out at 11 am on December 22 in Wakka village on a mountaintop that separates India from Myanmar. Flames brought down 57 houses within no time, eye witnesses told Matters India on December 23.

One 70-year-old woman, identified as Bangman Gangsa, was charred to death.

“What a way to celebrate Christmas,” bemoaned Nepha Wangsa, a student leader from Wakka village, recounting the horror of the fire accident. A church building, a Chevrolet car and bike were damaged along with food grains and livestock.

Nearly 1,000 people, who are rendered homeless, now suffer chilling winter cold, Wangsa said.

Gangsa, another villager, said all the male members of the village were clearing the roads as ordered by the 16th Assam Riffles of Wakka Headquarters. “We could have managed to save many houses if we were not at the roads,” he lamented. “We have a local custom of assigning some male members to keep watch and look out for such incident. Unfortunately we were all out at work today,” he added.

Matpho Kolong, a local body member, who reviewed the situation in the village, has appealed to all neighboring villages to help the victims.

It is the second fire accident in this village with most of the houses made of bamboo with thatched roof, in less than a year. One tiny spark could create a massive damage as the houses here are too close to one another. As many as 32 houses were reduced ashes in the previous fire accident.

Local students union’s General Secretary Gangsong Gangsa has appealed to all the general public, business people, NGOs to extend whatever help possible in this time of great pain to bring a smile on the faces of these poor tribals during this festive season.

Seva Kendra Arunachal East, the social service wing of the Diocese of Miao has already plunged into action rendering the most immediate need.