By Matters India Reporter

Bangalore: The Catholic Health Association of India (CHAI) and its two other partners to hold an International Conference on “Best Practices in Health Care Management” March 8 – 9.

The conference aims to highlight innovations in Healthcare Delivery System in India and several foreign countries including Russia, UK, China, Spain and Germany. The panel will also deliberate on the Healthcare Delivery System – For Hospitals of the Future, said Father Mathew Abraham C.Ss.R, CHAI director general.

The Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship (XIME), a Jesuit B-School, in partnership and Association of Healthcare Providers India (AHPI) are valued partners for CHAI, said Abraham, physician.

Over 20 Indian speakers will showcase an innovative business model of leading hospitals and deliberate on hospitals of the future and other conference themes.Several foreign speakers will share insights from Europe and other countries.

This conference is relevant for directors/ administrators of hospitals, clinics, students of medical and management schools, related industry and pharmaceutical companies, foundations and contributors to healthcare domain.

India has a bad reputation with regards to public health spending, which is 1% of GDP, one of the lowest levels in the world. Poor assistance is one of the reasons that push over 3% of the population below the poverty line. State quality hospitals are few and far between, primary care facilities are scarce and private clinics are prohibitively expensive.

CHAI, promoted by the Catholic Bishops Conference of India, is the largest non-governmental health organization in India and is committed, according to its motto, to bringing “good health for all”.

Thanks to CHAI, 21 million people are assisted at a health level. The network has 76,000 healthcare professionals, three universities, five Doctors’ colleges, 3500 institutions and over 1,000 nuns who are doctors, mostly engaged in rural areas.