By Becare Me O Nongtdu
Jowai, July 24, 2019: I am blessed to be one of the representatives from the Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM), India for the International Youth Forum which was held from 19 to 22 June at Sassone di Chiampino, Rome, organized by the “Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life” on the theme; ‘Youth in Action in a Synodal Church.’
There was a time in my life when I thought that the journey to Rome will be impossible, but this wonderful opportunity made me realize that when God in His own time chooses a way for us no force on earth can stop; for instance, Moses, Jonah and many more tried to escape from His loving call but could not succeed.
I realized that what He chooses for me in His own time is always better than what I plan for myself, as His plan for me comes with assurance of protection, love and care, through which I have a unique ways to explore the hidden talents that He has embedded in me. It also reminds me how in the parable of Talents (Matt: 25:14-30), to the one who uses his or her talents was given more and to the one who buried it, what was supposed to be stored for him was taken away. In other words, exploring our talents will help us to discover our potentials.
I, therefore, take this opportunity for the glory of God as well as for the good of the society and the Church at large.
Indeed, I am writing this column to share my personal experience from the forum. I have benefitted and gained a lot from the forum which cannot be equated with gold and silver. It has opened up my mind and I realized the need to learn through meeting, sharing and listening to others thoughts and ideas which help us increase our capacity and capability of knowing. This forum made me realize that everyone (youth) is special in the eyes of God as well as in the eyes of the Church and society.
The Church at the present age trusts the youth and gives what the young want and what they deserve. When we are trusted and given a sense of responsibility, we begin to feel that we belong to the church and the sense of belongingness makes us become more aware of our responsibility towards upliftment of the youth and the society.
It enlightened me to accept that life still has a lot to learn if we open up to the reality and the truth, and youth is the best time to learn, to judge and to act in all aspects of life.
This forum helped me to discover the reality of having abundant choices in my life, which I can justify and exercise in my daily life. I came to know that the Church walks with the young people not just for the young people and we should not wait/hesitate to do good things. It strengthens me as a leader to initiate something in my diocese of Jowai by creating a table of dialogue between the youth, priests and the bishops, so that we can develop the spirit of mutual understanding, and this spirit will lead us to the right path which will enable everyone to share the spirit of divinity in our humanity.
The discussion at the forum has evoked a thought in my mind and heart; “A good shepherd will be smelt by the sheep.” And a question arises; is it possible? Initially, I thought it was impossible for the sheep to smelt, but when I reflect on the parable of the Good Shepherd (Jn: 10:1-18), it is very much possible.
Our actions as youth reflect on us as well as others. I feel that it’s time for us to come out of our comfort zone and take up the challenges that we are facing as a community and the Church; handling challenges as a step to grow in life will enable us to become a Good Shepherd so that our presence will be felt by our fellow brethren. It made me count and treasures the importance of being apart/member and contributing my best to the whole.
Citing the word of Jesus; “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (Jn. 15:5). As youth let me remind to all that we have an important role to occupy and work for the good of all, in many fields of life, and more importantly as Christian youth we need to unite with Christ to bear more fruit. It reminds me that the little contribution I made is indispensable and no one can deny the ingredients that has been added; likewise it takes a little salt and leaven to change the taste; so I encourage all the youth to grasp the opportunity and do the best in small thing which will turn greater as we give our best.
The forum helped me to cultivate the reason for my living: to live is to change and changing in Christ’s way of living that will enable us to reach the stage of perfection.
The discussion on the final document of the synod and Christus Vivit made me awake and aware that we live only through God’s grace. He is alive and He wants us to be alive, in the sense that we need to work not just talk. Christus Vivit strengthen the hopeless to fine new hope in the church as the church is a mother to all and ever ready to welcome all.
The last day of the Forum, June 22, was the most glorious day in my life. I attended the Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome, which was the most unique opportunity for me to witness the mystery of Christ’s declaration to Peter as we read, ‘I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.’(Mt: 16:18).
I honestly wonder the greatness of the Church through Christ and the Apostles that survives till this very moment and it reminds me that this truth will prevail till the end. It strengthens, deepens my faith and gives me courage to testify to the world that my faith and believe in God is genuine and true.
On the same day, I met Pope Francis – what an incredible moment of my life. As we shook each other’s hands, which lasted for about 10 seconds, although I could not speak a single word nevertheless with the power of the Holy Spirit, it enabled me to utter few sentences and I felt blessed, and I remembered this word, “Whoever’s sins you forgive, they are forgiven. Whoever’s sins you retain, they have been retained”(Jn: 20:23), which is the power that Christ had given to His followers.
And as Christ’s followers, Pope really inculcated His virtues and He spoke the same virtue that is love. He loves all and He asks our prayer as we (youth) are the now and the future of the church.
As I conclude, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the “Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life” who organized this Forum, CCBI (Conference of Catholic Bishops of India), NERYC (North Eastern Regional Youth Commission), Jowai Diocese and all the youth who support me in many ways especially with your prayer.
My sincere gratitude also to Percival Holt, President ICYM, India and Jesvita Princy Quadras from Mangalore (Karnataka), for making the trip a wonderful and memorable one.
(Becare Me O Nongtdu. who hails from Khliehriat Parish, Jowai Diocese, is the regional youth president of North Eastern Regional Youth Commission).