By Felix Anthony

Miao, September 9, 2019: The Miao unit of the Catholic Religious in India (CRI) organized an animation program for the domestic support staff to celebrate the birthday of Blessed Virgin Mary.

The domestic support staff in convents and schools work restlessly without break behind the four walls of the kitchen, said Carmelite Missionary Sister Anima Minj, the animator of the Girl Child Day at the Sevakendra Training Centre, Namphai September 8.

“We could not find a better way to give them a break and honor them for what they do without any expectation,” she added.

Around 40 participants from around Miao had a packed day with sessions on self-esteem, health and hygiene, counseling and lessons on sex education.

The participants expressed gratitude and great joy at being part of an animation program exclusively meant for them. “We thank our Sisters for taking this initiative to organise us on the birthday of Blessed Virgin Mary,” said a participant.

The CRI unit plans to organize such animation in other parts of the diocese to encourage spiritual formation and to provide a platform to express to their grievances and concerns, said Sister Sunita Parmar, another Carmelite nun who is the director of Sevakendra Arunachal East, the social service wing of Miao Diocese.

The feast was observed across the diocese with animation, cultural events and inner healing prayers.