By Shabina Ali

Kolkata, March 10, 2020: Christians should show greater eagerness to relate with Muslims in these critical times, says Jesuit Father Victor Edwin, the secretary of the Delhi-based Islamic Studies Association.

“The Church invites Christians to approach Muslims with profound respect. The rich religious heritage of Muslims is the sign of God’s presence and action in the world. An eagerness to relate with Muslims in these times is most essential for a Christian,” Father Edwin told the March 8 session on Christian-Muslim relationship at the Centre for Peace and Spirituality (CPS) in Kolkata.

According to him, paying close attention to the “sacred texts of Muslims” is necessary to engage in a deep and serious dialogue with them.

“In meeting with Muslims by our presence, I believe, we share and learn from one another of what our authentic religious experiences teach us,” added the Catholic priest who teaches in Delhi-based Vidyajyoti College of Theology.

The session was attended by the members of CPS Kolkata team and four students from the Department of Theology, Morning Star College, Barrackpore, near Kolkata.

The Quranic verse no. 122 to 124 of Surah was read at the meeting. It speaks of how God selected Israel to perform a special task – to call other nations to turn to God.

God sent innumerable prophets to them to help and guide them in this task. The Israelis lost their right to represent the divine religion on earth when they failed to respond to the call adequately.

In this context, the hearers of the Qur’an were warned, through the Arab prophet, that only true faith borne out by earnest actions would be recognized in the next world. God-oriented person bears witness to God through his word and deed. In this world, one person is able to bear the burden of another but in the next world, no intercession, compensation or any mitigating factors will be allowed to come into play.

The focus of one’s life should not be to increase the knowledge but to strive to lead a God-oriented life. The primary concern of a human being is to call people to God. “If one does not use the gift of wisdom and if this role is not fulfilled by those who has been entrusted upon with this task, then this gift will be taken away,” the verse was interpreted.