By Varghese Alengaden

Indore, March 29, 2020: The global disaster from pandemic Covid 19 has forced the whole world lockdown. At the time of writing this report on March 29, the deadly virus has snatched away more than 30,000 lives and infected over 650,000 people all over the world. More than 10,000 people died in Italy alone.

This powerful invisible enemy has not spared anyone. The poor and the rich without any distinction of caste, color, creed and nationality have become victims of the deadly virus. Kings, queens, ministers, prime ministers and celebrities are hit by Covid 21. The superpower America with all its money and weapons could not resist Covid 19.

Although India with its population of 1.37 billion could limit its death toll to 20 and infection to less than 1,000, it has failed to manage the sufferings of 250 million migrant workers who are forced to flee from different cities to their villages due to nationwide lockdown. They have lost their daily work and means of living in cities. They are without food and shelter.

The government could not foresee the sufferings of millions of such people. Since there is no public transport available because of the lockdown they are forced to walk some 200 to 300 kilometers to their native villages with their children and whatever things they could carry. It is a heartrending sight to see thousands of men, women and children walking for days without food and drink. Political leaders and bureaucracy who run the government and take decisions could neither foresee the crisis of mass exodus nor take urgent steps to help the poor. The who govern apparently had little knowledge of millions of who existed right in front of their palatial bungalows.

Some states such as Kerala provide food and shelter to the poor migrant workers, midday meal to children and other marginalized people. However, thousands of little children in northern India are deprived of their usual midday meal. The relief schemes announced by the federal government and RBI Governor will benefit only those with proper documents like BPL cards. Who will care for millions who have no documents.

Along with educational institutions, offices, factories, airports, road transport, trains and other establishments, churches , temples , mosques and other worship places are forced to close . Gods of all faith are sent on a long leave from these sacred places. For the first time, the worship places of all religions are closed all over the world.

For Christians, it is a big shock because they are deprived of their most sacred rituals during the season of Lent and Holy Week. The strong faith of people of all religions is shaken. Many ask, “Why does God allow this to happen? Is Covid 19 is more powerful than God Almighty?”

Some priests and priests opened churches for Mass and Holy Hour. The police arrested them and filed cases against them because they violated the government order. As drug addicts don’t care about the health hazards of drugs, these overzealous religious fanatics are not bothered about the warning of government and medical experts regarding the health hazards.

Though the churches are closed priests are asking people to participate in Mass and Holy Week rituals through TV and YouTube channels. They cannot think of not performing these routine rituals at least through TV and social media. All rituals, rosary, way of the cross and sermons will be presented with maximum solemnity.

Why don’t the Church leaders and priests take time to contemplate and explore alternatives to traditional worship and rituals which Jesus Himself had proposed 2000 years ago? “Put the new wine in new wineskins.” Jesus gave a new paradigm to face the rejection, opposition, alienation and elimination of the Church which has become a reality in the changing socio-political scenario. Refusal to change the strategy of mission work and not seeing the threats make the Church addicted to the old ways, the ‘old wineskins.’

When Covid 19 forces we need to experiment the ‘new wineskin’ mission of celebrations of important events without solemnity of the church rituals and priests. It is worth to experiment life, lent, Holy week of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday without the century-old ways, not even through TV and YouTube channels. It is time we asked how our faith was affected without the routine old wineskin rituals?

Jesus spoke of a ‘new wineskin spirituality’ when He revealed himself to Samaritan woman, “Believe me, woman, the time will come when people will not worship the Father either on this mountain or in Jerusalem. You will worship God in truth and spirit” (John 4: 23-24). Jesus was making a prophecy to end the worship in temple, church, mosque or any other worship places. He was visualizing people growing in spirituality free from institutional religions and routine rituals.

Over the years His disciples were not ready to give up the ‘old wineskin ways’ despite the warning given by Jesus of the dangers because the spiritual movement of Jesus was already converted into a big religious industry. Covid 19 came and forced us to explore new ways of growing up in spirituality. Instead of being glued to TV and YouTube channels to sustain the routine ‘bhakti marg’ of religiosity God expects us to follow the gyan marg (study) and dhyan marg (contemplation).

Liberated from bhakti marg of religiosity through gyan marg of study and dhyan marg of contemplation of the socio-political and economic realities we are expected to be karma yogi to be proactive prophets in society and make things happen. How long shall be stuck with bhakti marg of religiosity? When will we rise to the level of gyan marg and dhyan marg to become karma yogi to build the kingdom of God where universal values will reign?
The whole world is going through a tough time. Death of thousands through infection by the deadly virus has put the world in terrible chaos. It is time for the Disciples of Christ to reach out to those suffering a terrible loss. Jesus gave a new meaning of worshiping God when he said, “ I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me” Mt. 25: 40.

He made it clear that more than spending long hours in saying prayers and performing rituals He expects His disciples to give their time, money and service to those in urgent need. It was surely in the plan of God to teach people the true meaning of all rituals. We should consider the closing of churches and other worship places and ban on performing routine rituals as the deliberate plan of God. Why then this hurry and restlessness to watch the rituals on TV and YouTube like drug addicts?

Participating in the devotion of Way of the cross is a sacred ritual hundreds of people practice during the season of Lent and on Good Friday. Why don’t we reflect on the sufferings of the millions of daily workers who are walking through the roads of Delhi and other places without food and water to reach their homes? By reflecting on the misery of these people we will be making a genuine way of the cross.

At the time of writing this reflection, a native of Madhya Pradesh’s Morena district died after walking 200 km in a desperate bid to reach home. Ranveer, 35, died in a village near Agra 80 km short of his home. He died of hunger and thirst after walking for three days to reach home. Wasn’t it the death of Jesus after a long walk to the Calvary?

Remaining insensitive to these millions who suffer poverty, hunger and exploitation is the old wineskin of religiosity. Addiction to have the traditional routine ritual of ‘way of the cross’ on Good Friday and washing of the feet on Maundy Thursday is the old wineskin of bhakti marg.

What should we do then? Reflect on the Covid 19 pandemic and the death and destruction it causes all over the world. Make action plans for our life and mission to be implemented NOW and in the days to come. Covid 19 lockdown has opened up new wineskin of possibilities for us – Gyan marg, dhyan marg and karma yogi.

Let not miss the lockdown of religious industry as an opportunity to join God’s plan to help humanity as we hope and pray for the world to heal from Covid 19 at the earliest.