By Sunil Rosario

Kolkata, Aug 26, 2020: The Commission for Migrants of the Latin rite bishops in India has called for special prayers on September 27, the World Day of Migrants and Refugees.

The world has an estimated 272 million international migrants around, which accounts for 3.5 percent of the global population. This figure has surpassed the number projected for 2050.

“Since 1970, the number of people living in a country other than where they were born has tripled. Most migrants come from India and the United States is the primary destination,” says a note from the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI).

The year marks the 106th World day of Migrants and Refugees. “The entire world is under the grip of a pandemic caused by Coronavirus… The migrants and the refugees are the most vulnerable and affective due to this global pandemic,” says the CCBI commission.

This year, the Church plans to focus on the pastoral care of internally displaced persons (IDPs), who currently number more than 41 million worldwide.

CCBI commission secretary, Fr. Jaison Vadassery has written to all dioceses and organizations that deal with the internal migrant workers, who have faced enormous challenges because of Covid 19 global epidemic. The letter contains messages from Pope Francis and Archbishop Victor Henry Thakur, the commission chairman.

The Pope’s message expressed deep anguish over the sufferings brought by the pandemic. “The global crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has only exacerbated. In fact, due to its virulence, severity and geographical extent, this crisis has impacted on many other humanitarian emergencies that affect millions of people, which has relegated to the bottom of national political agendas those urgent international efforts essential to saving lives. But this is not a time for forgetfulness. The crisis we are facing should not make us forget the many other crises that bring suffering to so many people.”

He has asked Church leaders, to embrace all those internally displaced undergoing precariousness, abandonment, marginalization and rejection as a result of Civud-19.

In his messages to migrants and refugees, the Pope noted that Jesus Christ too was forced to flee as child to Egypt. He wants the Church to invite the migrants within parishes. “They are to be protected, promoted and the internally displaced persons be integrated within the communities, the pontiff added.

The Pope’s January 2020 message to the world leaders said the tragedy of internally displaced people was one of the challenges faced by contemporary world.

“Situations of conflict and humanitarian emergencies, aggravated by climate change, are increasing the numbers of displaced persons and affecting people already living in a state of dire poverty. Many of the countries experiencing these situations lack adequate structures for meeting the needs of the displaced,” he said.

The Vatican Dicastery handling the Migrants and Refugees Section has issued the document “Pastoral Orientations on Internally Displaced People” that aims to inspire and encourage the pastoral work of the Church in this specific area.

Archbishop Thakur’s message invites all dioceses to implement the Pope’s call to help the afflicted by the pandemic. The Indian prelate wants all dioceses in the country to welcome, protect, promote and integrate the internally migrants and displaced persons.

“The Covid-19 Pandemic crisis has forced India to acknowledge the displaced and migrant laborers and has exposed their pathetic realities and plights. Majority of these migrant workers are marginalized poor working mostly in the manufacturing, construction industries and informal sectors. They are often deprived and denied adequate healthcare, nutrition, housing and sanitation.”