Maram: Can you see the sea change that the alphabet ‘C’ has brought to world with the Corona pandemic Covid 19! As catastrophic 2020 is cast away, no one Conceived that the alphabet “C” would play a completely Contiguous role Compared with any other alphabet in English language!

Have you Considered that the alphabet “C” has come Cropping up with Covid-19 in Chronic Concurrence!

C- Cough, C-Cold, C. Corona Virus, C-Covid-19, C-Case, C- Confirmed, C- Confinement, C- Contamination C- Community spread, C- Come near not, C- Curfew and the two most serious “Cs” are: Cemetery and Cremation.

They say the possible C-medcine curable for Corona is C- Chloroquine.

The Cunning deadly virus Commenced in, C- China, and finally Came to our Country… “Cure” and “Clearance” is round the Corner, till then take Vitamin C, and stay Calm.

Cleanliness – is the remedy, Courage – is the need of the hour, Compliance to experts’ advice, Contention to overcome the Crisis, Clinical Concepts yet need Clarity, Cooperate with the fellow Citizens, Care for the needy. In this time of grief and trials, we are facing many Challenges during pandemic and natural as well as man made Calamities.

Clergy Counsel

The Clergy man Counsels “As we Combat Cantankerous Conditions let us never lose Confidence in God till we Crack the virus, and Conquer the Calamity.”

The Contagious virus, which we Can’t see with our naked eyes, has taught Common sense : need to value life, Camaraderie and Conform to God’s Creation and Creed. Consequently, many Children are praying more than before, many families have Come together and re-Connected, and become Caring.

As the second Cycle of Covid-19 is Catching up, fear and helplessness is the Consequence. Courage Comrade! Challenge it by following rules that Claim to prevent the Condition Considered as a global public health issue. It requires Consequent global Certain response.

Countries have announced its own shade of Considerable Constraints on Citizen movement and Covid-19 rules: Cluster not, Do not spit, Comply with social distance, wear mask, hand wash and Cleanser use.

Individualistic Calculations to this Country wide threat would not tend to Constitute an effective strategy. Concurrence of Control systems and Collaborative and Conscious leadership only will Confirm the objective of Containing the Deadly virus.

We Can Combat Corona
As Committed Citizens we must not let Corona virus spread to new Circles at any Cost. In any Case, new Corona Count even in the smallest Cottages should be a matter of Concern. The Calamity of death, of even a single patient from Corona, should increase our Care and Concern.

Therefore, we have to be very Concerned about Corona hotspot Campuses. We will have to keep a Close watch on places which Could run the risk of becoming Corona Camps. The Creation of new Camps will further Challenge our Countrymen to Contain Covid.

The greatest gifts of Covid-19 are the gift of TIME, Considering the lockdown and “STAY-AT-HOME” restrictions in the face of pandemic. Though Common people follow Corona Commands scrupulously, a majority of Citizens don’t Care flouting them. We have noticed how Camaraderie Cuts social distancing Callously. If Considering to Come Close Carry a mask.

Every problem Carries with it a potential gift. Covid-19 virus has Changed our lives forever. There is no question of going back soon to the so-Called normal. It is the new normal that we are Called to accept and live.

As Countdown begins for New Year 2021 let’s Consider Continuous project of life which may Compel us to Care for all, to live a Clean life, show Clemency to fellow Citizens, pray unCeasingly, Circumvent Chauvinism among Clans of people shun Clashes and Come together as Common people and stand with Care givers.