Operation Blessing, an international organization dedicated to partnering with people “to demonstrate God’s love by alleviate human suffering,” is bringing medical oxygen to COVID-hit patients in India.

CBN News said that Operation Blessing will be donating “150 critical cylinders of medical oxygen” to India’s Philadelphia Ambala Mission Hospital that is expected to save almost 1,000 people suffering from COVID-19.

“Now, with the help of Operation Blessing providing the oxygen to the hospital, we can treat close to 950 people over the span of two weeks so that’s a great blessing to the patients that are coming to the hospital,” revealed Operation Blessing’s Victor Emmanuel to CBN News in an interview.

As per CBN News, India reached 400,000 cases on Thursday that demand for oxygen has reached “seven-fold.” Emmanual told CBN News that the scarcity of oxygen has given the black market in India the power to charge prices for it at “300 to 400 times.”

Besides providing medical oxygen to India, Operation Blessing have previously helped feed the hungry during the pandemic such as those in Texas, Costa Rica, and other parts of the world.

The Philadelphia Ambala Mission Hospital, which is located in Haryana, had to “refuse” patients due to the scarcity of oxygen because of the second surge of COVID-19 cases in India. Founded in 1887 by an American missionary, the Philadelphia Ambala Mission Hospital is officially designated as a treating facility for COVID-19 patients.

“When the patients come with low oxygen saturation it is really a problem we have to refuse the patients from getting into the hospital,” disclosed Philadelphia Ambala Mission Hospital Director Dr. Sunil Sadiq to CBN News.

The hospital serves not only a place of treating patients but also a place of praying for them.

“When the patient comes, we are every day, we are praying three or four times a day for the patient and when they come they feel that there is a divine power working in our hospital,” Sadiq added. “There’s a lot of suffering around and I urge you to please pray for the nation of India, for healing, for God’s comfort and peace.”

Speaking of prayer, Christians in India have actually called out to the international community for prayer and assistance due to the surge of cases in the country.

The International Christian Concern said last week that Christians in India have called for their need for prayer and for vaccines, oxygen, and medical equipment. The United States, the United Kingdom, and other countries have already expressed aid to answer India’s call.

In addition, America Magazine has also reported Catholic priests have called out to “pray for the people of India” since it is “a country suffering ‘unimaginable’ COVID-19 outbreak.”

In similar news, Republic World reported that hundreds of israelis have responded to the call to pray for India. Israelis have gathered in Tel Aviv’s avenues chanting while they prayed for India. Republic World also reported that Israel’s donation of oxygen concetrators and respirators through Ambassador Ron Malka has already arrived in India as a concrete sign of their solidarity with them.
