By Mabel Kaithavelil
Rome: Sister Vandana Fernandes, an Indian, has been elected the superior general of the Rome-based Ursulines of Mary Immaculate (UMI) congregation.
The election took place October 4 during the congregation’s 66th general chapter now being held at its headquarters.
The chapter, animated by Jesuit Father M K George, used computerized and telematics means to address the theme “Awakened to be Sowers of Prophetic Hope.”
A press note from the headquarters says Father George’s “timely, inspiring, challenging and thought provoking questions influenced our reflection and discussion. His vast knowledge and perception helped us to be more focused.”
The chapter, it adds, has given a wakeup call to the members of the 372-year-old congregation to understand and respond to the challenges of the modern time.
The September 22-October 8 chapter also urged them to commit to the Church’s mission and give hope to “the world crucified by the coronavirus pandemic.”
The chapter also heeded Pope Francis’ call to proclaim the Gospel to the poor, especially those on the peripheries.
The congregation elects its superior general for a six-year term during the general chapter.
Sister Fernandes, a native of Goa, a western Indian state, is the third Indian to head the congregation that focuses on the education of girls. She was the assistant superior general at the time of the election.
She has replaced Sister Elvira Mattapally, an Indian who led the congregation for two terms since 2009.
The chapter also elected Sisters Nirupa Puthenpurackal, Ester Delrio, Lilly Jose Parankulangara and Sherin Lobo as members of the general council.
The 68-year-old new superior general urged her sisters to follow their founder Blessed Brigida of Jesus, who drew inspiration from Christ to respond to the signs of her time.
“Every UMI is called to discern and to take decisive steps towards social sensitivity, ecological balance and human dignity thus become sowers of prophetic hope in a world devastated without hope,” she said.
She also stressed the significance of the congregation’s global mission and urged her sisters to uphold pastoral concern and justice as the world grapples with the adverse effects of Covid-19.
Besides Italy, the congregation’s 770 members work in Brazil, India, Kenya and Tanzania. The congregation has recently opened mission in Ireland and the United Kingdom. They serve in schools and hospitals and dispensaries, besides engaging in welfare and pastoral activities.
Four of the congregation’s eight provinces are in India where a five-member pioneer team landed on November 12, 1934, at Calicut (now Kozhikode), Kerala, a southern state.