By Molly Fernandes

Sancoale, April 21, 2022: The Planet Earth has five elements and they are well depicted in the entrance of our congregation’s headquarters in Goa.

One of the elements is water where we have a little tortoise I have named ‘Tottu.’ Every time I pass by I call him by name. He recognizes my voice and responds. Sometimes he even tries to climb up, he listens and looks up.

This brought to mind the episode of Mary of Magdala we read in the gospels. After Resurrection, Mary initially fails to recognize Jesus. However, when he calls her by her name, “Mary,” she responds in Hebrew, ‘Rabbouni’ (teacher).

Mary had earlier bought spices, so that she could anoint his body, but she found the stone of the tomb rolled back. Soon she goes to inform the disciples about what she saw. After that Mary sits and cries outside the tomb.

“Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?” Jesus asks her. She thinks it is the gardener. But the same voice says to her again: “Mary,” she turns and says, “Rabbouni.”

When she hears the word ‘Mary’ she recognises that it is Jesus and not the gardener. Here lies the mystery in articulation of a name. The name is pronounced by the one who loves Mary and whom she loves. It’s all in the calling of and by “Name.”

Why did Mary of Magdala, at first fail to recognize Jesus’s voice. Was it not the voice of Jesus? Was she not familiar with his voice? What could have had happened?

Definitely, she was engrossed in her own thoughts. Her eyes were filled with tears and her vision was blurred. She was not able to see properly or hear well? Everything seemed over for her, after seeing the empty tomb. She felt miserable and empty within.

This can happen in our lives too – when we wallow in our miseries and lose sight. We do not want to notice, hear or listen to what lies in front of us. We behave as though living in darkness. But when we at peace and our eyes all glowing we recognize at once those speaking to us.

So, being aware and attentive at all times is the need of the hour. Jesus speaks to us through different persons, and events no matter how big and difficult our situation might be. He just rolls back the stone without our knowing. He clears the path and lovingly calls us by name.

There are a few things which Mary does. She goes to the shop to buy the spices and spends some money. She gets up early morning and goes to the tomb without fear or being concerned what others would say. She has put in some efforts because of her love for Jesus. Love overcomes all hurdles and it’s rewarded.

Hope does not disappoint us because the love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit (Rom 5:5). The sting of death is sin and the power of sin is law. Yet death has been swallowed up in victory by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (1 Cor 15). If Christ had not risen, the Word would have ceased to exist and Christ’ teaching would have meant nothing. He had said, I am the resurrection and the Life, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life — the I AM statements!

Well, when everything seems going haywire, blocked with huge stones, hopes shattered and gripped with fear, let us keep our ears open and mind attentive to listen to the voice of Jesus calling us, as he rolls back the stones of uncertainties and turn our trials into triumphs and gives us peace.

(Sister Molly Fernandes is a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of Holy Family of Nazareth based at Sancoale in Goa. She is the director of the Sisters of Holy Family of Nazareth communications center and editor of their magazine.)