By Don Aguiar

Mumbai, June 3, 2022: Free thinking is good but right thinking is better. There is God. It is not just I who say that to you. The whole universe says it if you will but hear its voice. Just listen now and if you are really a free thinker, that is, free from bias and prejudice, you must surely allow yourself to be convinced by the following facts.

There is no master piece without a master, and from the work we know the master, as the tree is known to its fruit and children known to their parents.

The existence of a statue presupposes the existence of a sculptor. Here is a watch. There must, therefore, be a clever watchmaker somewhere, who has fashioned it. Before us is a dainty meal, that means a good cook has been here, who prepared it. These things are self-evident.

Since we find, then, that a watch, an engine, a motor, a vase, or any other object points to the existence of an artist or an artisan, who has made it, how much more does that wonderful thing, which we call the world, demand the existence of a Creator.

The greater the work, the greater the artist. We must, therefore, conclude that the Creator of these masterpieces must be a very great Master indeed!

We think ourselves very wise and clever because we have invented the aeroplane, the camera, or the violin. But we quite forget that is all these inventions, we have only thought out and copied what the great Creator and Thinker first thought out and made, one of which is reproducing life which needs to be respected and protected from the moment of conception.

All inventions, wonderful as they admittedly are, are yet merely close copies of something in Nature and can never surpass Nature. No flying “ace” will ever fly as safely and unerringly as a bird. No violin will ever sound so sweetly as the nightingale. Photography, even, is the exact copying of nature.

I have a simple question for Pro-Choice people: When do you believe life begins?

When you say you’re pro-choice you’re telling people that you believe it’s OK for them to have the ability to choose abortion as an option for an unplanned pregnancy — even if you wouldn’t choose abortion for yourself. People who oppose abortion often call themselves pro-life.

The official teachings of the Catholic Church oppose all forms of abortion procedures whose direct purpose is to destroy a zygote, blastocyst, embryo or fetus, since it holds that “human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.

The abortion debate in the Catholic Church has largely coalesced around two main issues: the Church’s preference for chastity and the question of when human life begins.

The Church and pro-life people position on abortion is based on a fundamental belief that life begins at conception. It’s a conclusion grounded in faith and values, but also in science.

We know that unborn babies can feel pain very early. We know that after six weeks a baby’s heartbeat can be heard in the womb. Modern sonograms show unborn babies smiling, yawning and sucking their thumbs.

Put simply, science has revealed that an unborn baby is a human being, and many agree. According to recent polling, 73 percent of voters agree that an unborn baby is a human being.

So that raises the question: When do Pro-Choice people believe life begins? At conception? At viability? At birth? After birth? They won’t say. Even more disconcerting, reporters won’t ask them. It’s a dereliction of duty by the mainstream media not to push the question, and it’s an abdication of their responsibility to inform the people and spur legitimate debate.

Since the debate on abortion and various opinions, pro-Choice people have come out as the abortion extremists we’ve always known they are. They’ve staked out a position that is simply outside the mainstream of where average pro-life people are.

Pro-Choice people are swing nations and states embraced legalizing abortion up until the moment of birth. Some are refusing to say if there should be any restrictions on abortion whatever.

It is easy for Americans to forget that illegal abortion was common before the 1973 US Supreme Court decisions that legalized the procedure across the nation—and that denying women access to legal abortion does not prevent them from having abortions, but just increases the likelihood that they will resort to an illegal.

Since taking majorities in both houses of the American Congress, pro-choice people (Democrats) have also rejected the longstanding bipartisan tradition of prohibiting of U.S. federal aid from funding both internationally and nationally and by doing so create an economic injustice for low income women (the Hyde and Helms amendments) in spending bills, which prevent taxpayer funding of abortions, including abortions overseas.

Fifty-seven percent of Americans would be less likely to support abortion laws if the US allows for abortion to be performed for any reason up until the moment of birth, which is the new Pro- Choice (Democratic Party) line.

All of these positions are well outside the mainstream of where American voters are. According to recent National Republican Senatorial Committee polling, 65 percent of Americans agree that taxpayer money shouldn’t be used to pay for abortions, while only 30 percent disagree. Only 30 percent Americans agree that abortion should be legal any time, on demand and without apology, while 61 percent disagree.

It’s a commonly held belief that being “pro-choice” is incompatible with being Catholic. That’s not surprising, given the Catholic Church’s stance on abortion seems pretty clear cut: abortion is a murder. The catechism of the Catholic Church even says, “Since the first century, the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable.”

Meanwhile, Pro-Life people are happy to answer the question of when life begins: They believe life begins at conception because they believe in science and place value in every life, born and unborn.

Once Pro- Choice people have an answer, a legitimate debate on the issue can be had.

Meanwhile presently in times of rising inflation – People care more about inflation than abortion.