By I P Sarto

Burdwan, June 19, 2022: Family day celebration on the feast of the Body and Blood of Chris brought joyful tears to husbands and wives in a rural and tribal in an eastern Indian state.

Thomas Parish, Ekpere, situated about 140 km northwest of Kolkata, capital of West Bengal state, celebrated Family Day first time in its history.

During the prayers of the faithful, husbands extended their hands on their wives and prayed for them and wives extended hands on their husbands and prayed for them. “This was a unique experience; it brought tears to my eyes, said Bablu Murmu, a village leader.

Oblates of Mary Immaculate Father Augustine Vailankanni, the parish priest, said he saw tears in the eyes of many women and a few men.

Father Nilu Murmu, director of Youth commission of Asansol diocese, explained the purpose of the family day. He invited the families to be joyful, holy, peaceful and sensitive to the needs of the neighbors.

As the Bread and Wine being transformed into Body and Blood of Christ, the young man and woman are transformed at the Sacrament of Marriage into holy and loving family, said Father Henry Rodrigas, former director of the diocese’s Family Commission, in his homily.

Thirty families with more than 10 years of married life were welcomed before the Mass and greeted by the priests, religious and laity present. With a lighted candle each, all the couples renewed their marriage commitment. All the families were given a picture of the Holy Family and Rosaries at the end of the Eucharist.

Paulus Hansda, youth leader of the village welcomed the families and thanked the priests for praying for them. “I was touched when I saw men kneeling before their wives asking for blessings,” add the college student.

Family day celebrations will be held in all the parishes of the diocese in coming weeks, said Father Murmu who organized the program. This was part of the International Family meeting being held in Rome.