By Nirmala Carvalho

Mumbai, June 25, 2022: A Marian shrine in Mumbai joined the Global Rosary Relay for the sanctification of priests.

Auxiliary Bishop John Rodrigues of Bombay, rector of Mount Mary’s Basilica in Bandra, Mumbai, who led the June 24 rally, told the congregation that Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay, has requested the Basilica of Our Lady of the Mount to participate in the annual relay.

“This Rosary relay held on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is planned by an organization WorldPriest in Ireland –to pray priests; sanctification and their ministry so that they can help the entire Church respond to the Lord’s call, that God’s Kingdom may be furthered, and that the Trinity may be glorified” said Bishop John.

The day marked the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Sharing the origins of the relay, Bishop John explained, “ As priests carry out their ministry in caring for the flock we pray that they may keep as their model, Jesus, the Good Shepherd. We also ask Mary’s intercession for our families, city, state, nation and the world.”

The prelate said the relay that began in 2003 now involved more prayer locations. It began with 24 single prayer locations but some 350 locations are participating in this year.

This year the relay began with the recitation in the Church of Our Lady of Magadan in Siberia, Russia.

Each participating prayer location country prays a particular mystery of the Rosary at a specific allocated time on the day in thanksgiving to God for the priests and to implore the protection and loving care of Our Lady, Mother of all priests, for all her priestly sons.

“With the coming of midnight on June 24, the entire world will by then have been encircled yet again in prayer on this The Worldpriest Annual Rosary Relay Day,” the bishop said.

The Bandra basilica received the relay from the Shrine of Our Lady of The Pillar, Zaragoza, Spain and Holy Cross Family Ministeries Kitete Arusha, Tanzania.

“ Praying along with us right now (6 pm India time) are Catholics at Gundala Matha Shrine, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh and at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Karachi, Pakistan as well as those gathered in prayer at the Church of Mary Star of the Sea, Reykjavik, Iceland. The basilica was requested to pray the Glorious Mysteries. We keep in mind the intention – for priests” Bishop Rodrigues explained.

Father Michael Goveas, vice rector of the basilica, led the congregation in praying the Glorious Mystery, followed by a religious, a youth, and a minor seminarian praying each decade.

After the Litany of Saints, Bishop Rodrigues said the prayer of Emeritus Benedict XVI’s Prayer for priests which was specially composed for Worldpriest.

Bishp Rodrigues then announced that the Rosary relay was handed over to the Santuário de Nossa Senhora do Sameiro, Braga, Portugal and the parish of St. Joseph in the city of Karaganda, Kazakhsta,n and to several churches in Pakistan.

The relay ended June 25 with the recitation of Rosary at the Shrine of the Divine Child Jesus, Sonora State, Mexico.