By Joe Eruppakkatt

Pune, July 26, 2024: The Society of Paul superior general Father Domenico Solliman has appointed Father Jose Pottayil as the director of the Madrid-based International Catholic Biblical Society that was set up a hundred years ago by Venerable James Alberione, the congregation’s founder.

Father Pottayil is the first Asian and Indian to head the society known as SOBICAIN (Società Biblica Cattolica Internazionale). His appointment was on January 16, but he took charge only on May 1.

Father Pottayil, a member of the congregation’s India-Great Britain-Ireland province, has served as its general councilor, vicar general, India provincial, director of apostolate and animator of various communities and groups.

Pauline Father Joe Eruppakkatt interviewed Father Pottayil for Matters India about his new appointment as well as the purpose, scope and operations of SOBICAIN.

Matters India: What is this appointment is all about?

Fr Pottayil: SOBICAIN has its headquarters in Rome and the operating office is in Madrid, Spain. As the name suggests, it’s an international society for the production, promotion, study and distribution of the Sacred Scripture, especially the Gospels, around the world.

Blessed James Alberione founded it in 1924, and Pope John XXIII approved its statues on October 14, 1960, elevating it to the status of a Primary Union in the Church. Blessed Alberione was convinced that the Word of God nourishes and strengthens the faith, morals and spiritual life of the people of God. Founding SOBICAIN was a step forward in fulfilling the mandate given by Jesus to his disciples, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” It stresses reaching the Word of God to all people of good will especially to those who have not heard it or those who do not have access to it.

How does SOBICAIN operate?

The operational procedures used by SOBICAIN are translating, producing and distributing the editions of the Bible suited to the different cultures and traditions of the people. The editions are made more appealing and easy-to-understand for common people as we add suitable pastoral notes and commentaries to the text. In total fidelity to the charism of the Society of St Paul, SOBICAIN is committed to using every medium of communication that the modern technology offers, at various stages of history, to reach the Word of God to all, especially to those at the peripheries – the poor, the marginalized and the less privileged groups.

What are some major initiatives of SOBICAIN to fulfill its purpose?

In 1972, Father Bernardo Hurault, a French priest, developed a new Pastoral Bible which later came to be known as the Latin American Bible (Biblia Latinoamericana). During the past few decades, SOBICAIN took the initiative of printing and distributing among the Spanish speaking population throughout the world several millions of copies of this edition. But we didn’t stop with Spanish. The same Bible was also translated into English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Chinese languages, besides Tagalog, Cebuano, Ilongo (Philippines), Quichua (Ecuador), Quechua (Peru) and Guarani (Paraguay). So, as you can see, this Pastoral Bible continues to be distributed all over the world, among different cultures and peoples.

Is SOBICAIN fully supported by and operated under the Society of St Paul?

While SOBICAIN always remains a branch of the Society of St Paul, it relies on so many other institutions particularly for the distribution of the Bible. Among them, special mention is to be made of our sister congregation, and a branch of the Pauline Family: The Daughters of St Paul. With the same mission and similar charism, the Daughters of St Paul spare no effort in distributing the Bibles we publish in various languages around the world. The Claretian Fathers also have contributed substantially in the growth of SOBICAIN especially in the area of distribution of Bibles during the late 1990s and the early years of 2000. The Society of the Divine Word (SVD) congregation too distributes about half of what we produce and they are considered as co-editors. Besides, we have some special arrangements and contracts with them, both in the production and distribution of Bibles.

Does SOBICAIN have its branches in other countries for its operations?

Yes, SOBICAIN coordinates and organizes its activities from Madrid Spain, but has its branches in countries like Venezuela, Argentine, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Bolivia Mexico, Uganda, Congo and USA.

What are your priorities for SOBICAIN?

My first priority is to get to know its various activities and coordinate with our general government and various provincial governments for the growth and expansion of SOBICAIN. There indeed is a great thirst for the Word of God all over the world. Its need and demand are inexhaustible. Therefore, I also intend to broaden the network of SOBICAIN for translating, producing and distributing the Holy Bible in many more languages and countries around the world so that the Word of God may be proclaimed, known and lived by people of every nation and language. This is the dream and the vision of our founder and SOBICAIN will spare no effort to fulfill his vision.

(Father Joe Eruppakatt is the director of the St Paul Biblical Centre, Pune.)