By Jose Kavi

New Delhi, July 25, 2024: A Catholic priest was found dead in mysterious circumstances six days after a nun died by suicide in the southern Indian state of Kerala.

A press note in Malayalam from the diocese of Kothamangalam on July 25 says one of its priests Father Jose Kuzhikanniyil died in unexpected circumstances.

The 64-year-old priest was found in a weak condition in the hall adjacent to St George Forane Church in Vazhakulam, the diocese explained.

The priest was first rushed to St George Hospital in the same town and then to Nirmala Hospital in Muvattupuzha, some 10 km northwest, where his death was confirmed.

“The circumstances that led to his death are unknown,” says the diocese that promised that the diocesan authorities and parish community would cooperate with the police investigation into the death.

“The entire diocesan family is praying for the eternal rest of the priest while extending its condolences to his family and parishioners,” it adds.

The funeral details will be announced after the police complete their investigation, the diocese said.

Meanwhile social media groups and reported that the priest was found hanging in the kitchen of the parish church. The parishioners rushed him to the hospital that declared him dead on arrival. also reported that the priest’s body was kept in the mortuary of the Muvattupuzha hospital. It also pointed out that Fr Kuzhikanniyil had actively participated in the centenary celebrations of Vazhakulam Cooperative Service Bank a day before his death.

The priest was born on January 5, 1960, and was ordained a priest on December 30, 1985.

On July 19, Sister Anne Mariya was found hanging from a ceiling fan in her room at Puthvely Morning Star Convent in Ramapuram near Palai, 20 km south of Vazhakulam.

The 51-year-old nun was a member of the Congregation of Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, a 115-year-old Kerala-based congregation.

The convent authorities said the nun was undergoing treatment for depression for some time.


  1. It’s a pity that religious and clergy come to such a drastic step – whatever the reasons be! I being a pro-clergy and religious would be glad to assist you confidentially in your struggles when you meet some frightening dead ends!
    Note: I myself was a religious (refused to get ordained after completing all my theological studies including specialization in Canon Law) and left. In case, you need any assistance, you could contact me on my number: 9703132129

  2. Is this `Journeying towards a Synodal Church: Mission 2033′? Can the proponents of this Mission foresee what will happen in the next ten years? They can’t take care of their own priests and nuns and yet brainwashing the Faithful with Mission 2033! So many suicides and mostly in South India! No wonder the overall vocation is drying up or conversely the discerning are not falling for it!

  3. Suicide by anyone is a matter concern..especially when it is a priest/ is of great concern..since these people responded while heartedly to their vocation and stands for prolife.. May times it happens that they get hurt and there is no one to share and support their emotinal issues.. A matter the system needs to look into urgently, than covering it up and projecting it as not suicide case…☹️

  4. This is happening with sickening regularity, yet our formators and vocation promoters are pursuing the path of least resistance and paying a heavy price. I have discussed this at length in my latest youtube video “Why are convents shutting shop?”

  5. Since long we hear about suicides by nuns and priests. It’s a serious issue. It is high time that we investigate what is wrong with our methods of receiving new candidates for rigorous Religious Life, and deficiencies in their formation programmes for religious life and issues connected to the life-long commitment to renouncing “natural way of life “!
    Religion and all religious practices are meant to promoting LIFE; God became human to give us life in abundance.

    Now many of our Religious don’t want to live any further ! They commit suicide! It is a very serious matter.
    All must put together their heads and hearts and discover appropriate remedies!

  6. It is strange the diocese says he was found in a weak condition in another room, while other reports say he was found hanging in the kitchen. Why the different stories? There should be more transparency from the Church or these suicides will not be prevented.

  7. A sad reflection of the state of our Church. Stronger is the condemnation of the apathy and indifference with which we the faithful – laity, clergy, religious, look on the increasing decay in our Church. How can we each take responsibility for together witnessing a Church – a people of God … that sees the world through the lens of the Gospel and if necessary, get involved in the ‘cleansing of the temple’.

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