By Kampan Chinnam

Dimapur, Sept 14, 2024: The Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, a Kerala-based congregation, opened a new chapter when its northeastern Indian province added the first member from the Chang tribe.

Sister Rachel Thongpangnaro was among eight novices who pronounced their first vows on September 14 during a Mass presided over by Bishop James Thoppil of Kohima at the chapel of the Corpus Christi provincialate in Dimapur, the commercial capital of Nagaland. The prelate was assisted by 35 priests.

A multitude of relatives and members from various religious communities attended the service.

Provincial Sister Catherine Elavunkal expressed happiness that Sister Rachael’s entry heralded a new era in her congregation’s exclusivity and diversity. She told Matters India that her congregation is praying that the new member could make an impact among other ethnic communities in the region.

Among the new members, six came from Nagaland, one each from Assam and Meghalaya, reflecting a blend of cultures and states in the region.

Other newly professed are Sisters Linda Mary Lyngkhoi, Beolaresi Hansepi, Teresa Lamthew, Catherine Yanthan, Carolen Yimchunger, Esther Langmai, and Martha Tango Konyak.

Sister Rachael, 22, is the eldest of three children in her family. She has two younger brothers. She joined the congregation after the tenth grade. She completed twelfth grade in the congregation. “The Holy Eucharistic Adoration of SABS drew me to this congregation,” she told Matters India.

The congregation’s northeastern province has 203 members.

The congregation was founded on December 8, 1908, by Venerable Mar Thomas Kurialacherry together with Mother Francisca de Chantal.

It has 5,000 members spread over 18 provinces, 11 of them located outside Kerala.

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