By Roy Alex

Thiruvananthapuram, Sept 3, 2024: The teachers decorated the school entrance, corridors, and classrooms with colorful balloons and other items to welcome the little ones on their first day.

With heavy hearts and high hopes, parents brought their children to the school. The teachers greeted them with great affection, but the children clung to the parents when it was time for them to leave. The little ones’ smiling faces turned sad, and tears rolled down their rosy cheeks as their parents left. They began to cry loudly, and some ran after their parents.

The teacher gently gathered up the children who were running after their parents. The classroom was filled with noise, loud wails, and weeping. I saw the teacher holding two weeping children in her arms, while several others around her with red, teary eyes, longing for their parents. I noticed her eyes were also wet.

Later that afternoon, I returned to the same classroom and saw something amazing. The once noisy and crying group of children was now moving to the rhythm of an action song. Their eyes were filled with curiosity, and they were watching the teacher with admiration. When the teacher saw me at the door, she said, “Father, don’t worry, my children are happy now.”

I realized then that I was looking at a true magician in the classroom—someone who could calm the storm of anxiety and fear, bringing comfort with her warmth and patience. A good teacher is an embodiment of patience who never loses her calm, even with the most restless children. A caring teacher can help those students who struggle in academia and can answer their endless questions.

At the end of the day, most students had left the campus, and a few little ones were waiting for their parents. The teachers were busy packing their bags or grading papers. I noticed one teacher in a corner with a group of small children. They all seemed to be in serious conversation, and the teacher was probing with further questions to encourage their storytelling.

One day, I asked her what the children talk about. She said they have many things to narrate, like cartoons, stories, parents, toys, and so on. She listens to them with curiosity and without judgment. Although she was not their teacher, these children would gather around her whenever they spotted her around.

Teachers often expect students to listen to them, and if a student raises their hand to ask a question, we sometimes tell them to sit down. Students long for a teacher who listens to them. Little children do not have any inhibition to barge into the staff room or stop you in the hallway to tell you something.

As they grow up, it is not easy for them to open up unless they feel the teacher is approachable and a good listener. A teacher who listens with care and love can make a big impact on their students’ lives. They can motivate them and guide them in the right direction. One of the major complaints every student in turmoil has is “no one listens to me; no one understands me.”

After being in the school for 13 years as a student, one of our boys sentimentally spoke about a teacher on the day of farewell. He had difficulty coping with a few subjects; he was often reprimanded and considered academically weak. The parents even decided to move him to some other school.

But his music teacher believed in him. She helped him discover his musical talent. Even though his parents didn’t want to send him to music school, the teacher found an alternative. Today, he is a talented singer who has won many accolades for the school in interschool competitions.

Through music, he regained his confidence and started improving his studies. He told the students and teachers at the assembly, “It is because of my music teacher that I am able to stand before you confidently.” He recalled that, even though many said he wasn’t a good singer, his teacher’s encouragement and support helped him find his talents. How true are the words of Arne Duncan,” Wherever you find something extraordinary, you will find the fingerprints of a great teacher!

Being a teacher today, especially with all the information at our fingertips, isn’t just about sharing knowledge or answering students’ questions. It’s about being compassionate, patient, and a good listener. A great teacher ignites creativity and imagination in their students.

Teacher needs to play multiple roles:- be a parent, mentor, friend, motivator, and guardian. Teaching is not just a profession; it is a commitment to a way of life that goes beyond simply imparting knowledge. It is about influencing, shaping, and molding future citizens by guiding them, both within and beyond the classroom.

(Jesuit Father Roy Alex is the former principal of Loyola CBSE School, Trivandrum)

1 Comment

  1. Great article dear Father…always happy to listen to your speeches that are truly motivating and read articles which boost our confidence. Thank you dear Father for the trust and support to keep on us.Keep going dear Father… All the very best.
    Bindu P.

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