By Virginia Saldanha

Mumbai, Sept 23, 2024: Swami Vivekananda’s soul stirring speech at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893 is so relevant in India and even the world today.

This was the view of about 200 people from different religious traditions who on September 18 gathered for the Commemoration of Swami Vivekananda’s presence and impact at the World Parliament of Religions.

The program was jjointly organized by the Ramakrishna Math and Mission and Inter-Religious Solidarity Council (IRSC) at the Ramakrishna Mission, in Khar, Mumbai. Udayshakar, an actor and classical singer, delivered the highlights of Vivekananda’s speech.

Swami Vivekananda introduced himself as a monk and a proud Hindu, a religion that has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance, that accepts all religions as true. He said he was proud to belong to a nation that has sheltered the persecuted and the refugees of all religions and all nations of the earth.

Quoting from the Gita, “Whosoever comes to Me, through whatsoever form, I reach him; all men are struggling through paths which in the end lead to me,” he lamented, “Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible descen¬dant, fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful earth. They have filled the earth with vio¬lence, drenched it often and often with human blood, destroyed civilization and sent whole nations to despair. I fervently hope that the bell that tolled this morning in honor of this convention may be the death-knell of all fanaticism, of all persecutions with the sword or with the pen, and of all uncharitable feelings between persons wending their way to the same goal.”

“Religions of this world are but varied expressions of the Religion which is Oneness.”

“If there is ever to be a universal religion it must be one which will have no location in Place or time, which will be infinite like the God it will preach, and whose sun will shine on the followers of all faiths and still have infinite space for development; which in its catholicity will embrace in its infinite arms and find a place for every human being from the lowest savage or brute to the highest man towering above humanity… It is a religion which will recognize divinity in every man and woman and whose whole scope, whose whole force will be created in aiding humanity to realize its own true divine nature. Offer such a religion and all will follow you.”

Speakers representing Hinduism, Islam, Christianity and Jainism spoke from their perspectives of Swami Vivekananda. While representatives of Zoroastrianism and Bahai faiths conveyed their messages of solidarity.

The speakers echoed and resonated with the message of Swami Vivekananda which is much more relevant today. Vivekanada’s vision of an inclusive society marked with acceptance of all religions as true and merely different paths to one God has to be imbibed in our collective consciousness.

Swami Satyadevananda, Secretary of the Ramkrishna Mission, Mumbai, (RMM) pointed out that the address of Swami Vivekananda is important amidst rising wars and selfishness in this world.

Swami Devakantyananda underscored the value of acceptance of all religions. He reiterated the message that all religions are merely different paths leading to God. He cautioned that religion without spiritualism will lead to orthodoxy, dogma, and fundamentalism. Spirituality can beget care and kindness and thus we should aim at spiritualism.

Echoing the sentiments of the earlier speaker, Maulana Mohammad Faiyaz Baquir underscored that all religions give the same message of acceptance. He explained that Islam emphasizes the wellbeing of all and service to humankind. He urged the study of all religions to understand and promote oneness as no religion teaches hatred and violence. Conflicts, according to him, are created when religions are misused.

Father Gilbert DeLima pointed to the timelessness of the address of Swami Vivekananda and underlined the values of active acceptance which is key to true harmony among all religions, recalling that he rejected religious fanaticism and bigotry. He pointed out that Swami Vivekananda recognized the vicarious suffering of Jesus Christ. He promoted practical Vedanta through Karma Yoga (incessant work without attachment) and Jeevan Mukti (a saint who sees God in all human beings and devotes himself to their service selflessly).

Service to humanity is a deeply spiritual practice and is equivalent to serving God. This genuine spirituality transcends rituals and dogmas and manifests itself in actions fostering compassion and equality in all religions. Committed service is the path to peace. His ideas had a deep impact on the creation of modern India as a secular state with an inclusive constitution.

Swami Devendra Brahamachari said all religions have to coexist in harmony. Jainism emphasizes non-violence and truth. It is important to take the initiative to promote the essence of goodness, and human values of religion. Humanity was above all.

In his message of solidarity Homyar Nasirabadwala said Zoroastrianism teaches that happiness comes to him who gives happiness to others- life is best lived when lived for others.

Hazrat Baha’u’llah of the Bahai faith emphasized diversity and communal harmony for the essential oneness of humankind. Justice and equality were values that all religions should champion.

IRSC resolves to strive together with all religions to realize this acceptance and foster mutual respect towards all faiths.

The convention concluded with a collective resolve to actively promote interfaith dialogue and collaboration, recognizing that the strength of society lies in its diversity.

Participants left with a renewed sense of purpose, inspired by the teachings of Swami Vivekananda and the shared commitment to serve humanity above all else. The event served not only as a celebration of religious diversity but also as a call to action for individuals and communities to work together towards a more harmonious and compassionate world.


  1. Great article. Great event. Must recognise the value of Swami Vivekanand’s address and the value and significance of inter Religious Dialogue and action.

  2. Truly, Swami Vivekanada was the real disciple of JESUS. He started speaking at the World Parliament of Religion in Chicago in 1893 ” I can’t believe in a religion or GOD which can’t wipe the tears of the widow and can’t give a piece of bread to an orphan child”. What James is telling in chapter 1:27? “Religion that GOD our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world”. When Swami was getting too tired and got closer to death, he served food to his disciples, answering their question, why you are serving us food?. He replied, JESUS washed the feet of the disciples; and let me at least feed you with some food. When he visited the U.S. two months ahead of the schedule in 1893, he made the Statement that I am going to the land of JESUS and HE will take care of me. He said about the U.S. as a country on wheels, and about the State of Travancore (Kerala) as the land as a mad house. He was a man of intelligence-wisdom-faith-character and vision.

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