By Kampan Chinnam

Srikakulam, Sept 19, 2024: A Telugu bishop has penned a dirge to pour out his grief over the tragic death of a young woman scientist from a tribal community in the Telangana floods.

“This song is a tribute to our beloved daughter, who has flown away from us like a star in the sky. Her loss is irreplaceable,” said Bishop Rayarala Vijayakumar of Srikakulam on September 18 while releasing the mournful song in tribute to Nunavath Ashwini.

The 26-year-old award winning agriculture scientist from Khammam died September 1 in the floods that wreaked havoc in the southern Indian state of Telangana in early September.

Bishop Vijayakumar, the chairman of the Telugu Catholic Bishops’ Council commission for tribal affairs, expressed deep shock at the tragedy that befell the promising scientist from Gangaram Thanda in Khammam district.

He also urged the Telangana chief minister to set up a scholarship for hardworking tribal students in honour of Ashwini.

Ashwini was affiliated with the National Institute of Biotic Stress Management at Baronda, near Raipur, capital of the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh. She and her father Nunawat Motilal died after being swept away by floodwaters in Telangana following a night of heavy rain.

They were on their way to Rajiv Gandhi International Airport in Hyderabad when their vehicle was swept away by the overflowing Akeruvagu stream near Purushothamaiah gudem in Maripeda Mandal. The stream had breached a bridge, leading their car to plunge into the rushing waters.

In final calls to friends and family, Ashwini and her father described the rapidly rising water inside their car, trapping them with no means of escape. The call abruptly ended.

After hours of searching, Ashwini’s body was discovered near the Akeruvagu Bridge.

“We lost one of the most affectionate members in the family. She was ambitious and intelligent, and had the drive to achieve her dreams,” N Hari, her elder cousin brother, told The Indian Express. “She had a brilliant career ahead of her, but her life was tragically cut short,” Hari added.

Bishop Vijayakumar’s tribute reflects the deep sense of loss felt by the community. It also reminds people of Ashwini’s contributions and the tragic circumstances surrounding her passing.

Aswini, who had a doctorate in genetics and plant breeding, joined the School of Crop Resistance System Research two years ago.

In April, she won the Young Scientist Award at an agriculture conference held at Raipur.

Aswini’s family members said she was a topper throughout her academic journey, and wrote dozens of research papers. She did her bachelor degree in Agriculture from Prof Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University and masters from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. Her doctorate was from the university’s Rajendra Nagar campus in Hyderabad.

In February 2021, Aswini received an award for her posters on “Characterisation of RIL population and validation of molecular markers linked to flowering time genes in the Chickpea.”

The tragedy struck when Aswini made a quick home visit to attend the engagement ceremony of her brother Ashok Kumar.

Her father decided to drop her at the airport, some 270 km west, braving heavy downpour. The tragedy occurred when they decided to cross the Akeru Vagu bridge, which was already overflowing.

Bishop Vijayakumar’s dirge:

Becoming a radiant star, you soared into the sky,
Where none could trace your wandering light, though we tried.
Silent, without shedding a tear, you sank deep into the ocean,
Letting go of ambitions, you ascended, free in motion.

Even as we lift our eyes, you’ve gone too far,
A distant glow, beyond reach, a guiding star.
Joining your father, you’ve returned to our Father,
Leaving behind dreams, for us to nurture and gather.

For the hills and their people, you’ve left a spark,
Inspiring futures with your life, a lasting mark.
You are our Ashwini, forever you remain,
A light undimmed, in our hearts, your name.

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