By Virginia Saldanha

Mumbai, Oct 15, 2024: Matthew 7:3-5, came to mind when I read extracts from Archbishop Gabriele Caccia’s speech on October 9 at the third committee of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, reported in Vatican News.

“For a just society to thrive, it is essential to advance and recognize women’s capacities by combating all harmful stereotypes that deny them opportunities,” said the archbishop who is the Holy See’s Permanent Observer to the United Nations, addressing a session dedicated to the Advancement of Women.

“Changing both, attitudes and practices to support women and men in their roles within the family and society is essential,” he said.

Quoting from Pope Francis, the archbishop described domestic violence as “a poisonous weed that plagues our society and must be pulled up from its roots.”

Very well said, but what is the Church doing about these issues?

To begin with, why has the Church not delegated a woman to speak up for women at the UN?

Having relentlessly worked to deal with the causes of violence against women within the Church and society for over 30 years, I and several other women have persistently come up against a blank wall. The Women’s Desk in the Vatican which I visited in 2000, does not exist anymore. The work of the Women’s Desks/Commission/offices in the Church has been reduced to mere tokenism. There is no real empowerment.

For empowerment, as the archbishop rightly pointed out, we need to work to change both attitudes and practices. Very rarely do you hear a homily denouncing domestic violence. Successive secretaries in the Women’s Commission have been trying to get parishes to set up Parish Women’s Cells to reach out to victims of domestic violence, and to conduct awareness sessions in the parishes, but the resistance to starting such cells has been unbelievable.

The Synthesis document of the Synod on Synodality of 2023, no. 9a stated, “Sacred Scripture testifies to the complementarity and reciprocity of women and men.” This teaching stereotypes women and men and prevents the advancement of women. Stereotyping leads to one group considering itself superior to another. It can lead to low self-esteem in girls including a low self-body image.

The archbishop himself points out that “It is essential to advance and recognize women’s capacities by combating all harmful stereotypes that deny them opportunities”, why does he not look within to recognize how women in the Church have consistently been stereotyped and denied equality with men by barring them from priestly ordination.

Stereotyping has led to a lot of sexual violence against women, including all the crimes that accompany sexual violence like trafficking, prostitution, and pornography.

The Church has continued to ignore complaints of clergy sex abuse against all vulnerable persons who are mainly women and children. The victims are left to their mental trauma and are never supported unless they subject themselves to being silenced. If victims insist on pursuing justice, they are abandoned to suffer the trauma.

Recently Pope Francis appointed 22 cardinals in the Catholic Church from the peripheries! Why did he not think about appointing a woman? Appointment of cardinals is a title granted as recognition for service, and totally at the discretion of the Pope, so why not a woman in the 21st century? Women can be appointed as cardinal deacons.

I, therefore, call upon the hierarchy in the Church to remove the log in their own eye before they point a finger at society. Religious teachings have the power to change mindsets and empower people spiritually and socially as well. You have the power to do so and give yourselves credibility to speak for women. Jesus has given us enough examples.

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