By Rani Punnasseril

Jalandhar, March16, 2025: Organic farming, water conservation and other eco-friendly practices are among several ways the Catholic dioceses in northern India plan to answer the cry of Mother Earth.

This emerged at the March 15-16 bi-annual meeting of the northern region of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India held at Gianodaya, Lidhran, Jalandhar, Punjab.

Bishops from Delhi, Jalandhar, Jammu-Kashmir and Shimla-Chandigarh attended the meeting along with 68 delegates – regional commission secretaries, youth leaders and lay representatives.

The meeting focused on the theme “Pilgrims of Hope: Cry of the Mother Earth,” the thrust of the “Laudato Si,” Pope Francis’ second encyclical that calls on all people on earth to take “swift and unified action to address environmental degradation and global warming.

In coming days, the dioceses will encourage tree planting and waste management while pressurizing their institutions to reduce carbon footprints.

They will conduct social media awareness campaigns on the papal encyclical while reorienting their catechism classes to focus more on ecology and environment.

The dioceses will encourage sustainable living by the use of renewable energy and conserving water, besides organic farming.

They will collaborate with youth groups, eco-clubs and local organizations to strengthen community engagement to protect the environment.

Their pastoral ministry will integrate ecological concerns, by introducing eco-friendly liturgies, Laudato Si’ Week observance, and responsible consumption.

The resource persons for the program were V R Haridas, manager, Climate Adaptive Agriculture & Livelihoods of Caritas India, and Notre Dame Sister Jyothisha, a Laudato Si animator with the Global Catholic Climate Movement.

The meeting directed regional secretaries to organize at least two regional programs annually, and each diocese to develop a creative activity plan for the coming year.

Archbishop Anil J.T. Couto of Delhi, who addressed the meeting on the last day, stressed the need for steps in addressing ecological concerns rather than lamenting the crisis.


  1. Please start by a total ban on disposables in church functions, feasts, celebrations etc

  2. Misplaced priorities
    Forgetting survival issues, including Manipur

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