By Suresh Mathew New Delhi, Dec 26, 2024: Christmas celebrations were disrupted by violent incidents across India. Reports of attacks on Christians have come from Manipur in northeastern India, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab in the north, and Kerala, south. The violence was allegedly carried out by rightwing Hindu groupsContinue Reading

By M L Satyan Coimbatore, Dec 20, 2024: Recently Capuchin Father Suresh Mathew, former editor of the Indian Currents weekly and secretary of the Indian Catholic Press Association, has written an open letter to the president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India. I wish to highlight certain important pointsContinue Reading

RJ Wang Lama Darjeeling, Dec. 18, 2024: The first college based community radio of Darjeeling Hills marked its 9th birthday with its listeners from a remote tea garden village. Operating from Salesian College Autonomous Sonada, Radio Salesian is a venture of Kolkata Salesians with its claim to be the onlyContinue Reading

By chhotebhai Kanpur, Dec 17, 2024: Let’s go back to our childhood nursery rhymes. “Ring-a-Ring-a-Roses, A pocket full of posies; A-tishoo, A-tishoo, We all fall down.” And again, “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, All the king’s horses and all the king’s men, couldn’tContinue Reading

By Stanislaus Alla New Delhi, Dec 17, 2024: Pope Francis turns 88 on December 17. He is one of the oldest reigning popes ever. Turning the wheel-chair into the ‘cathedra,’ he continues to lead and guide, exhort and animate, visit and travel, pray and bless, shock and surprise the faithfulContinue Reading

By M L Satyan Coimbatore, Dec 15, 2024: Four months ago, I conducted a few sessions during a retreat held at Christeen Retreat Centre, Kottayam, Kerala. The participants consisted of a bishop, priests, nuns and lay Catholics. The topic that I dealt was: Cross, Death and Resurrection. I presented thisContinue Reading