Krishnanagar – After the “heinous” rape of an elderly nun in the Indian state of West Bengal over the weekend, protestors have rallied in opposition to violence against women, with one Hindu priest tearfully voicing sorrow for the vicious act. “He spoke about four or five sentences and then heContinue Reading

Guwahati – The All Assam Students’ Union and 25 other ethnic bodies, mostly student organisations, arrived at a consensus today that there should be Constitutional safeguard and 100 per cent seat reservation in local bodies, State Assembly and the Parliament for ‘Indigenous and Indigenous Assamese’ people. The student body claimedContinue Reading

Seventeen-year-old K. Thayal Nayaki is the Prime Minister of Nehru Child Parliament in MGR Nagar in Chennai. She, along with her cabinet of ministers, has rescued several child labourers in the past few years. “Sometimes, one of our ministers or members will receive messages from children who are forced toContinue Reading