By Stan Swamy Ranchi, June 21, 2020: What disaster commercialization would bring is exemplified in the following narrative of what an Adivasi community was before start of mining in their neighborhood and what damage it did in course of time: Dubil is an Adivasi village in Saranda forest of WestContinue Reading

By Brad Lendon- Hong Kong, June 21, 2020: India and China went to war in 1962 over the same Himalayan region where at least 20 soldiers were killed June 15 night in a bloody confrontation between the two sides. A little under six decades ago, one month of combat resultedContinue Reading

By Dr Glenn C Kharkongor Shillong, June 20, 2020: Who knows if this is the mid-point of the Covid crisis? But we’re at the junction between lockdown and unlock, so a good time to do some stock-taking. Are there any lessons to be learned, that will help us on theContinue Reading

By Mohammed Junaid New Delhi, June 12, 2020: Ompal Singh ended his life on June 4 allegedly over the delay in payment for his sugarcane dues. The death of the 50-year-old farmer from Muzaffarnagar, sugarcane belt of Uttar Pradesh, has triggered protests in the area, but like other farmer suicides,Continue Reading

By Nick Gier Idaho, June 9, 2020: I have a special affection for the people of Kerala, one of India’s 36 states on its southwest coast. During my first sabbatical to India in 1992, I did research at a Roman Catholic seminary in Bangalore. I enjoyed living with students, brothers,Continue Reading

By chhotebhai Kanpur, June 5, 2020: A week ago religious leaders heaved a collective sigh of relief when they came to know that places of religious worship would be opened with effect from June 8. Some even issued victorious press statements hailing the decision. They had obviously not read theContinue Reading

By George Cheriyan and Amar Deep Singh Jaipur, June 4, 2020: World No Tobacco Day is celebrated around the world every year on May 31. This yearly celebration, informs the public on the dangers of using tobacco. Tobacco kills more than 8 million people globally every year. More than 7Continue Reading

By Jacob Peenikaparambil Indore, May 27, 2020: The members of legal fraternity, especially of the judiciary, ought to know the implications of the dictum, “Justice delayed is justice denied” better than the ordinary citizens. Unfortunately, in the case of India, the Supreme Court seems to have forgotten this dictum. TheContinue Reading