By John Dayal New Delhi, Dec. 12, 2018: The worst is not over for India’s religious minorities, its Dalits and its farmers despite the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) failing to retain its governments in some of the most populous and vast heartland states of the Union in the legislative assemblyContinue Reading

Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ The brutal murder of Inspector Subodh Kumar and another local youth in Uttar Pradesh’s Bulandshahr on 3 December says it all. Inspector Kumar was killed by a right-wing mob in the context of an ‘allegation’ of some ‘illegal cow slaughter’. Nothing has been proved until date;Continue Reading

Mathews George Chunakara Today, 10 December 2018 is the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the General Assembly of the United Nations. The UDHR is a promise by States to uphold the equality and inherent rights of every human being. Its 30Continue Reading

Rana Ayyub Mumbai, Dec. 9, 2018: At the crack of dawn on Dec. 5, 1992 , my mother found a poster on the door of our apartment in Mumbai (then Bombay). The poster had an image of the Babri Mosque, painted in black with men holding swords standing in aContinue Reading

By Rajiv Theodore New Delhi, Dec. 3, 2018: Renewable energy came in as a whiff of fresh air. India is today the world’s largest renewables auction market and ranks 2nd after Chile in the 2018 Climatescope. Beside promising cheap energy, renewables was also seen as a weapon to lift millionsContinue Reading

By Irudaya Jothi SJ Kolkata: On the 10th anniversary of the violence against Christians in Odisha Kandhamal District, the Church in India celebrates Dalit Liberation Sunday on November 11. The celebration of Dalit Liberation Sunday is a clarion call to the whole Christian community to renew our faith, and toContinue Reading