By Varghese Alengaden Indore, Dec 22, 2022: For the last few years, the Syro-Malabar Church in Kerala has been in the news for bad reasons. Conflicts in the name of silly and irrational matters raised by the hierarchy, priests and religious have become so common that many simple people haveContinue Reading

By chhotebhai Kanpur, Dec 15, 2022: This piece is occasioned by the Gospel reading at the third Sunday of Advent. From prison, John the Baptist sent his emissaries to Jesus with the question “Are you the one who is to come, or are we to expect someone else?” (Mat 11:3).Continue Reading

M.K.George Lionel Messi is now a household name. At least for the lovers of soccer. The Argentinian football player has won the hearts of millions. Here is the football history that makes him a legend: Prior to the World Cup, Messi has scored 695 goals in 831 games in clubContinue Reading

By M K George Rome, Nov 30, 2022: There is a simple sociological axiom. Any sub-system is in effect a microcosm of the larger system. Hence, what is happening in the larger system is likely to repeat itself in the sub-systems. Indian Nation faces issues of polarization and attempts atContinue Reading

By chhotebhai Kanpur, Nov 29, 2022: The Advent season is upon us. It is a preparation for Christmas, depending on our priorities. The Hindi word for Advent is Aagman. It is the same word used at airports for Arrivals. Advent means just that – the coming or arrival of somebodyContinue Reading

By Dr George Jacob Kochi, Nov 8, 2022: Condemning the use of the ‘two-finger test’ on survivors of rape and sexual assault to confirm the crime, the Supreme Court has recently ruled that “any person performing such tests will be held guilty of misconduct.” A bench comprising Justices D YContinue Reading

By M L Satyan Bengaluru, Nov 6, 2022: The bridge collapse at Morbi in Gujarat can be considered as a blackspot in the Indian history. A century-old suspension bridge, a tourist attraction in Gujarat’s Morbi town, over the Machchhu river collapsed, leaving more than 140 people dead. As many asContinue Reading

By Cedric Prakash Ahmedabad, Oct 23, 2022: India today, is enveloped in darkness! As the nation embroils itself from one issue to another, the burden is felt by the ordinary citizen, as never before and in more ways than one. Fascism throttles the country; at this juncture, one cannot help,Continue Reading