By Gepsina Fernandes Mumbai, Oct 14, 2021: I would like to share the wonders Lord Jesus has worked in my life. I thank God for the innumerable opportunities He has given me to praise Him and to testify to His goodness and faithfulness in my life. With Him by myContinue Reading

By Fr F. M. Britto Raipur, Oct 11, 2021: Just two years after my priestly ordination, having served as an assistant in rural Pithora parish, our then Raipur Diocesan Administrator Monsignor Francis Werner Hunold appointed me as the first priest in charge of a new town parish Kawardha in aContinue Reading

By Jaswant Kaur New Delhi, Oct. 10, 2021: Asha (name changed) stays with her extended family in the slums of Noida, a planned city in India’s northern state of Uttar Pradesh. Ever since she was born, she had been facing constant abuse. For a family of 12, where seven areContinue Reading

By Ittoop Panikulam Mumbai, Oct. 7, 2021: I do not know if any person, other than Divine Word Father Joe Francis who has perfectly answered the World Smile Day Call on October 1. One sure ray of goodness Joe daily spreads is his unique smile. At 70, Joe, as heContinue Reading