By Bartimaeus Jesus once visited Bangalore city. His intention was to meet Father Stan Swamy at the Indian Social Institute. Needless to say, Father Stan was overjoyed to see Jesus, his Master, in person. Without many formalities and niceties Jesus stated the purpose of His visit – to impersonate eachContinue Reading

By Ladislaus Louis D’Souza Mumbai: June 30 marked the first death anniversary of Anthony Parakal, who had written more than 4,000 “Letters To The Editors” (LTTE) to several publications in India. As in the case of his funeral, the anniversary too passed off quietly because of the coronavirus pandemic. ParakalContinue Reading

By Ittoop Panikulam Mumbai: We are eagerly waiting to get over with Covid-19 episode and return to normalcy. Or is this going to be the new normal? Coronavirus in one way or the other is entwined with the element of air. Now masked noses are the most common sights coveringContinue Reading

By Virginia Saldanha Mumbai: Pope Francis called for a Synod on Synodality because he wants that all the bishops of the world walk the talk of joint responsibility with all the People of God in the Church – ordained and non-ordained. Synod means “walking together,” reflecting on the path traveled,Continue Reading

By Suresh Mathew New Delhi: “I am not a silent spectator, I am part of the game, and I am ready to pay the price.” Thus sang the caged bird before paying the biggest price by his own life. Yes, Stan Swamy, the prophet, is no more. He attained martyrdom.Continue Reading

By chhotebhai Kanpur: A middle aged man with a shock of disheveled straw-yellow hair approached the altar of the cathedral in London, in wedding attire. He had been born a Catholic and subsequently joined the Anglican Church. He had been twice married and divorced, and now had a child fromContinue Reading

By Lissy Maruthanakuzhy Panaji: It was during lockdown last year I began to look at some YouTube presentations and got fascinated by some of the bloggers. I noticed that many individuals, students and families had turned to or had intensified the use of this medium as an income generating socialContinue Reading

Ram Puniyani In Karakthal village in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, a Dalit youth was recently thrashed for daring to sport a moustache. In Chikkmagaluru, Karnataka, a Dalit youngster was tortured and subjected to degrading treatment in police custody. In Madhya Pradesh, the wife of a Dalit labourer, five months pregnant, was rapedContinue Reading