By M L Satyan Coimbatore, Sept 6, 2024: Of late I have been watching a few Tamil television serials. I was surprised to note a running thread in all the serials – hatred. This hatred is usually fuelled by different types of revengeful activities. For this purpose, every serial hasContinue Reading

By Roy Alex Thiruvananthapuram, Sept 3, 2024: The teachers decorated the school entrance, corridors, and classrooms with colorful balloons and other items to welcome the little ones on their first day. With heavy hearts and high hopes, parents brought their children to the school. The teachers greeted them with greatContinue Reading

By M L Satyan Coimbatore, Sept 2, 2024: Whenever I have conducted training for schoolteachers, one question bothered my mind: “When does a teacher really teach?” Last week, I read an inspirational story that gives a meaningful answer to the above question. This may be considered a relevant message onContinue Reading

By M L Satyan Coimbatore, Aug 14, 2024: This year India is celebrating its 78th Independence Day on August 15, marking 77 years since the first anniversary of independence. As usual, hoisting of the national flag, colourful decorations, illuminations, fire crackers, cultural events, and tea parties take place. Most ofContinue Reading

By M L Satyan Coimbatore, Aug 1, 2024: A few days ago, I watched a YouTube video uploaded by AAA YouTube channel of Ajit Anjum. In this video the news reporter is interviewing Shankaracharya Swami Avimukteshwaranand. He came across to me as a courageous person who is sincere to hisContinue Reading

By George Cheriyan Jaipur, July 5, 2024: At the age of 21, in June 1984, I started my journey in the not-for-profit social sector, dedicating my life for serving society, and contributing towards providing better quality of the life for the marginalized and subaltern sections. Political and ideological Inspiration ShiftingContinue Reading

By chhotebhai Kanpur, June 30, 2024: Has the dust begun to settle or the temperature begun to rise, despite the advancing monsoon? This weather barometer is political not climatic. With the elections over, the Union Cabinet in place, the Speaker also elected and proceedings in the Lok Sabha having begun,Continue Reading

By Dr. George Jacob Kochi, June 25, 2024: National Doctors’ Day is celebrated to recognize the contributions of doctors to communities and individual lives. The day is observed on different days in different nations. In India, the Doctors’ Day is observed on July 1 in memory of Doctor Bidhan ChandraContinue Reading

By M L Satyan Coimbatore, June 24, 2024: The terrible heatwave spread across India has been bothering me for a while as I too have experienced it in March-April this year. Here are some interviews by media: Interview-1: Bicycle rickshaw driver Sagar Mandal of New Delhi told CNN on JuneContinue Reading