By Kim Ae-ran Recently by chance, I met Father Kinley Tshering, former provincial superior of Darjeeling Jesuit Province in India, the first and only native Bhutan Catholic priest. Bhutan is a close Buddhist theocracy with a population of less than a million, located in the Eastern Himalayas in South Asia,Continue Reading

By chhotebhai Kanpur, Dec 2, 2019: Christmas is a time when devout Christians use the invocation “Maranatha.” It is the concluding line in the Bible that means “Come Lord Jesus” (Rev 22:20). It is most appropriate for Advent. This phrase is earlier used by St Paul in his benediction toContinue Reading

By Lissy Maruthanakuzhy Panaji, Nov 28, 2019: “Brave Jewish youth survives lions’ den.” That would have been the headline if there was a newspaper during the Old Testament time. In these days of newspapers, the Book of Daniel are reenacted as we read about the courage and composure of someContinue Reading

By chhotebhai Kanpur, Nov 19, 2019: What a word! My word, it isn’t. Ask our very own wordsmith – Shashi Tharoor. So why did I choose such an obnoxious sounding word? It is actually a combination of three words – Grape, Gripe and Rape; with which I have taken poeticContinue Reading

By Ancie Wilfred Nagpur, Nov. 9, 2019: One morning I was wondering what to fill into the extra hour that I had acquired in my day because of a planned activity being postponed. Then I heard a woman’s voice near my door asking if I was home. It was Saraswati,Continue Reading

By Valea We have heard of the saying “Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Isai: Aapas Mai Sab Bhai-Bhai” (Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian: We Are All Brethren To Each Other). For some people, the phrase represents a deep longing for inter-community harmony in a world that is deeply fractured in the name ofContinue Reading

By Kushal Gulab Sometimes even the word ‘history’ makes us sputter in a rage of frustration. His story. Why is it all about men? How come such few women feature in our pasts? With the exception of Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi, did they really do nothing worth remembering? Perhaps thatContinue Reading

By Don Aguiar. Mumbai, October 24, 2019: Let me first relate an anecdote to hdlp you decide if Christian Missionaries pose a conversion threat in today’s India. I spend some five months a year in the countryside in Raigad, Maharashtra, overseeing my plantations where I also own a bungalow. AContinue Reading