By James Kottoor Vanchi Square near the Kerala High court in Ernakulam witnessed another whole day gathering on October 12 to support and promote “Justice for Sr. Lucy” hounded by the Church hierarchy, especially by those in the Syro-Malabar Church. The morning session which I attended included people from allContinue Reading

By Jose Vallikatt Dear Bishops and elders of the Christian churches of India, While in this week the Catholic Church is commemorating the feast of its great saint Francis of Assisi, the prophet of peace, I am more compelled than inspired to write this letter to you with an undyingContinue Reading

(sequel to “Gandhiji’s Quest for Truth) By chhotebhai Kanpur, October 5, 2019: It’s done and dusted, Mahatma Gandhi’s sesquicentennial birth anniversary. So, we may now conveniently forget him and return to our humdrum lives. After all, no less than the PM has pompously declared rural India to be Open DefecationContinue Reading

By Kancha Ilaiah Shepherd It was a pleasant surprise last week to come across a news report about the findings of a survey done by what was described as a ‘RSS think tank’ on the status of women in India. Besides claiming that married women and women who seek spiritualContinue Reading

By Justice Markandey Katju Something has happened in India which reminds me of what happened in Germany during the Nazi era. After Hitler took power in January 1933 almost the whole of Germany went mad, people shouting ‘Heil Hitler‘, ‘ Sieg Heil ‘, ‘Juden Verecke‘, and adoring that madman likeContinue Reading

By Jesvita Princy Quadras Mangaluru, September 26, 2019: When I went to Abuja in Nigeria to attend the 16th world council of International Young Catholic Student (IYCS) I took it as yet another global meet. But the African country surprised me with their admiration for India and its people. IContinue Reading

By Jacob Peenikaparambil Bengaluru, September 25, 2019: The sociopolitical changes that have taken place in India after the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) under the leadership of Narendra Modi came to power at the Centre in 2014 and many omissions and commissions of the BJP government vindicate that the Indian ConstitutionContinue Reading

by Rejitha Rajan Panaji, September 22, 2019: Body shaming is one of the most serious forms of bullying, harassment and humiliation. All throughout the world, there is a definite notion of “beauty” which defines standards of skin color, body structure, hair length and texture and so on. People are oftenContinue Reading

Mumbai, September 19, 2019: Recently India’s Rainbow community celebrated the first anniversary of the reading down of Section 377 of the Indian Constitution, decriminalizing same sex partnerships. Rainbow Catholics and their allies in Mumbai were also gladdened when last October, Wendell Rodricks and Ruby Almeida of Quest UK, met withContinue Reading