By Don Aguiar Mumbai, July 19, 2019: Exactly twelve weeks ago I walked my daughter down the aisle to hand her over to a new man in her life. For me it was months of conflicting thoughts; My arms started to feel empty. She’d nestle there through most of herContinue Reading

By Lizy Thomas Bhopal, July 17, 2019: Egalitarianism says people are equal and deserve equal opportunities. Humans desire for a balanced prospect irrespective of our gender, caste, or region. Often we are not aware about our rights or what we deserve. Some acquire these rights through the ‘might is right’Continue Reading

This open letter to Italian President Sergio Mattarella and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte from the Carmelites and Poor Clare’s of Italy was published on July 13, the Feast of St Benedict, in the Italian newspaper ‘Avvenire’ (Occur). Christian Kendall-Daw has provided the following English translation. Dear President of the ItalianContinue Reading

By Jesvita Princy Quadras Mangalore, July 11, 2019: The Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life organized it’s 11th International youth forum – a Post-Synodal meet June 17-22, Rome. More than 350 young people from more than 100 countries participated and deliberated on how the synod on youth has been impactingContinue Reading

By Ashwini Jayashri Thiruvananthapuram, July 12, 2019: I am Ashwini, 23 years old settled in Thiruvananthapuram with my parents, elder brother, twin sister and two dogs. Being a twin has both advantages and disadvantages. But I think I am lucky and blessed to be born a twin. It is anContinue Reading

By Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ Ahmedabad, July 12, 2019: “Amalan, was a man in a hurry!” said our provincial Father Francis Parmar in his moving farewell tribute to you, at the introduction of the Eucharistic celebration at Rosary Cathedral on June 28. Father Parmar went on to cite several examplesContinue Reading

By Lissy Maruthanakuzhy Panaji, July 6, 2019: Some people unexpectedly enter our hearts and remain there forever. They touch us through their words, smiles and actions. Through them, we experience God’s merciful, liberating, and transforming love. During the past one year, four such people have left this world, leaving deepContinue Reading

By Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ Ahmedabad, July 2, 2019: The controversial and self-proclaimed ‘godman’ Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Insan is currently serving a life-term in at the Sunaria jail in Rohtak after being convicted in two cases of rape and the murder of a journalist. Recently, he applied for 42Continue Reading

By Percival Holt New Delhi, July 1, 2019: The June 19-22 International Youth Forum was my third visit to Rome. I was invited by the “Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life” as one of the few Synod auditors who represented the Synod from different continents. The organizers also invited twoContinue Reading