By Lissy Maruthanakuzhy, DSP Mumbai, June 30, 2019: Today, June 30, is the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. We conducted a novena as preparation for the feast of St Paul, the patron of the Pauline Family. Blessed James Alberione, an Italian priest, started the Pauline Family. In 1914, heContinue Reading

By Pallavi Preetinanda Kolkata, June 4, 2019: I have been traveling with my dad ever since I was 3 years old. Mom isn’t much of a travel person, though after working for nearly 30 years, now she is taking out time to travel. But dad and me, we have beenContinue Reading

By Abhirami Sasikumar The 12th grade exam results are out, and I have entered another phase in life – college. As I fill admission forms, I can’t believe that my school life is over. I feel both relief and sadness. Relief because I don’t have to get up early inContinue Reading

By Ancie Francis-Wilfred Nagpur, May 5, 2019: I’m not sure if that’s a proper term (like housewife or home-maker) but that’s the only term that justifies my current profile. My life revolves around my two sons – which I’m sure most mothers would relate to – but there’s nothing IContinue Reading

By Lissy Maruthanakuzhy Rome, April 15, 2019: Generally, I do not enjoy traveling, especially alone. I began to enjoy journeys only after my six-year sojourn in northeastern India. Travelling to the interior villages helped me become stronger in many ways. However, what is more important is the inspiring persons IContinue Reading

To, Abp Giambattista Diquattro Apotolic Nuncio to India Respected Nuncioji, PLEASE STEM THE ROT IN JALANDHAR DIOCESE We are grateful to you for taking action on our previous submissions regarding the removal of Franco Mulakkal (FM) from the episcopacy of Jalandhar Diocese (JD), and subsequently for preventing the transferContinue Reading

By Archbishop Felix Machado Vasai, March 31, 2019: Pope Francis’ journey to Morocco (March 30-31) takes place in the footsteps of the path traced in his visit to Abu Dhabi: “Dialogue with people of other religions is an irreversible commitment,” stated Archbishop Felix Machado, Bishop of Vasai and president ofContinue Reading

By Joe Livingston Chennai, March 24, 2019: Bi-smillāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm” (In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful) were strange words for me until I stepped into Jamia Dar-us-salaam, a madrasa (Muslim religious school) at Umrabad, Ambur, a town in the Vellore district of Tamil Nadu state in southernContinue Reading