By Masooma Close personal relationships between people from different faith backgrounds are an important means for promoting interfaith understanding and inter-community harmony. In addition, they can also be a great way for us to grow personally. Such relationships can provide us opportunities to learn good things from other religious traditionsContinue Reading

By Armstrong Pame [The Northeastern Hill state of Mizoram exercised its voting franchise on November 28 and the state had many firsts to its credit. And while Mizoram not only has the history of holding most peaceful and fair elections, but the election expenditure is also one of the lowestContinue Reading

By chhotebhai Kanpur, Dec. 3, 2018: It was a cold winter Beijing night. Joseph Xi and Mary Li were expecting their first baby. The ultrasound test showed that it was to be a boy, a wonder boy. So they had decided to call him Ren-Zi (pronounced Zuh), Mandarin for “SonContinue Reading

By Sr Saveria Kim Rome, November 22, 2018: As a child, I had attended the Protestant Church. It was only a few years ago that I learned my family had descended from the Korean martyrs. Two of my ancestors were the first Catholics in my family. They were martyred inContinue Reading

By Dr. George Jacob Kochi, Nov. 21, 2018: India is the most dangerous country for sexual violence against women, according to the Thomas Reuters Foundation 2018 survey. The country is also placed 131 of 152 countries in the Georgetown’s institute’s global ranking of women’s inclusion and wellbeing. India’s National CrimeContinue Reading

By Leon Bent Mumbai, Nov. 15, 2018: The Catholic Church will celebrate the Christ the King feat on November 25 this year. Pope Pius XI started the feast in 1925. It is also called the ‘Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ,’ ‘King of the Universe Festival.’ It honors Jesus ChristContinue Reading

By Leon Bent Mumbai, Nov. 9, 2018: “Dasara, derived from the Sanskrit Dasha-hara meaning, “remover of bad fate,” is among the most important festivals celebrated in India. Regional spellings include Dashera, Dussera and Dussehra; following the ten-day grand, devotional, ethnic Gujarati, scintillating, delighting-the-senses, festival of Navratri. Diwali, the festival ofContinue Reading

By chhotebhai Kanpur, Nov. 3, 2018: How many lay Catholics in India can sincerely say “We are the Church”, or “Yes, this is our Church”? The laity feels largely marginalized. It is required only to raise funds, to organize a procession, or when some church personnel or institutions are underContinue Reading

By Nithiya Sagayam It is good to hear that Bishop Theodore Mascarenhas, the Secretary General of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India has spoken about the need for non-violence and harmony in society. There is lot more to be done in India on the concerns of inter-religious dialogue now that everContinue Reading