Becoming an ambivert in Philippines
Filipinos value families as we Indians doContinue Reading
Godman and nightmare at Bathinda
There is an end for everything, particularly the evilContinue Reading
Is talaq ruling a precursor to common code?
By Dr. George Jacob Kochi: Triple Talaq, also known as talaq-e-mughallazah, or irrevocable divorce is a form of Islamic divorce that was being practiced by Indian Muslim men. It allowed any Muslim man to divorce his wife by repeating the word talaq (Arabic for divorce) three times in verbal, written,Continue Reading
Barcelona where humanity triumphed over terror
I hope the situation will soon improve and normal life will return to Barcelona.Continue Reading
Independence Day 2017 – Open letter to The Prime Minister of India
To, Shri Narendra Modi, The Prime Minister of India Dear Prime Minister, Greetings! On Good Friday 14th April 2017 (The Day commemorating the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, instigated by the communal minded right wing religious and political leaders of the time), I had written an open letter to you expressingContinue Reading
The cow seeks its independence
By Ladislaus L D’Souza Seventy years of independence from British rule! In the seven decades gone by India has achieved much to earn its place in the Sun. From the bullock-cart age to the Computer age to the age of internet, twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram and what have you, free IndiaContinue Reading
The world has lost a great friend
Fr M A Joe Antony, SJ On Sunday, 23 July 2017, the world lost one of its most faithful and helpful friends. So did I; so did many others in India and New Zealand. Around 1130 am (IST) that day, Wenceslaus Anthony, 59, whom we all called ‘Wency’ affectionately, diedContinue Reading
Manila statement on Modern Day Slavery
Final statement from the International Conference on Women Empowerment Against Modern Day SlaveryContinue Reading