My first child was born in January and, as I hold him in my arms, I often think about how my wife and I will pass on our Catholic faith to him. However, almost immediately, my mind goes in a more negative direction. I find myself agonizing about the obstaclesContinue Reading

As Mother Teresa often said, it is easy to give from one’s excess, but real giving is when one gives what hurts. These sentiments were echoed by the speakers and participants at the seminar “Self-Giving is Life-Giving”, held at St Aloysius’ High School, Kanpur on September 22; in collaboration withContinue Reading

The Government of Gujarat continues to be on the offensive. Unable to deal with growing unrests and protests on several fronts- it has decided to unleash another draconian law called the ‘Gujarat Protection of Internal Security Act’(GPISA). Apparently, a draft is now ready and the Bill is expected to beContinue Reading

The canonization of St Teresa of Kolkata was a celebration of the heart, in all hearts all over the world. In Nagpur I could feel the joy echoing all around me with a festive mood. Whichever street you entered in Nagpur these days you are sure to find a pictureContinue Reading

There was certainly reason to be critical but what difference has it made? Mari Marcel Thekaekara asks. Just before Mother Teresa’s canonisation earlier this month, I wrote in the Guardian about how I grew up in a Kolkata flat, a three minute walk from Mother Teresa’s convent, locally referred toContinue Reading

Details of that meeting with Mother Teresa more in Delhi than two decades ago are sketchy. But the particular moment is very clear. It must have been late October; winter was making a guest appearance in a city bathed in dust and just out of months of torturous summer sun.Continue Reading