Reading “The Joy of Love,” the post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis, inspired me to reflect on my family relationships, the years spent together in the company of my siblings in a large family. The Pope says, “The love of parents is the means by which God our Father showsContinue Reading

When you travel you make beautiful memories, stretch your boundaries and learn something new. I have traveled and also lived for a few years in different parts of the country, both with family and friends. With every trip I look forward to experience and imbibe the uniqueness of the place,Continue Reading

The newly elected president of the Philippines is a tough-talking sexist who thrives off of hate speech and populist anger. If this reminds you of another high-profile US politician, it’s probably no surprise that the international media has christened Rodrigo Duterte “the Trump of the East.” But while there mayContinue Reading