January 17th 2016 – is being observed as the ‘World Day of Migrants and Refugees’ – it’s an appropriate day, I feel, to share with you a New chapter in my life! I am really not sure where to begin! What I want to share – has many different dimensions;Continue Reading

‘This man is it. A Christian who is actually a Christian. He’s so Christian, he confuses other Christians with his Christian-like actions. If he were the pope when I was young and forced to be a Christian, I’d have been a freakin nun.’ – (Comment from Internet forum) Throughout hisContinue Reading

How’s your Catholic IQ? If you’re a cradle Catholic and “Et cum spiritu tuo” slides easily off your tongue, you may still find yourself challenged by some of these uniquely Catholic words. A score of 1 to 5 = postulant; 6 to 10 = novice; 11 or higher = professionalContinue Reading

The Christmas carols play in the background while my 9-year-old daughter and I decorate the tree. It’s propped up in a corner of our living room, the green limbs stretching their reach while the mini-lights create constellations on the branches. As a sweet treat, I’ve made hot chocolate with marshmallows.Continue Reading

He came to befriend the lowly and down trodden – the last, least, lost and those sans Labor, Lodging & Land – with the warmth of tenderness and mercy spreading through the angel song: “Peace to men of good will.” How can anyone fail to respond?Continue Reading

Shortly after the Paris carnage I, perchance, read a column in The Times of India, by Jug Suraiya, an avowed agnostic/atheist. He asserted that such turmoil could never end because it was caused by religion, that had a powerful CEO – God! Coming from an agnostic, such an accusation wasContinue Reading

1.30 am. I stepped out of office after my night duty. A strong gust of cool wind blew. It meant just one thing: Rain. It was raining heavily somewhere. If my instincts are right, it would soon rain. I put on my raincoat, fastened the chin strap of the helmetContinue Reading

First the milk part. There was a cauldron of fresh milk kept amidst a group of people. Seeing it lying unattended one of the bystanders siphoned off some in a bottle and took it home. A second bystander wanted to drink the milk, but he was rudely pushed aside byContinue Reading