Pope Francis’ speech, which explains how to live “Synodality” is the very core of Christian living for all from Pope at the top to the pauper Lazarus at the bottom. It is the panacea for all conflicts in the church community, where hierarchy has no place, because “the pope doesContinue Reading

Early in 2013, a few months after Reena Bose* decided to adopt a child, she approached the Missionaries of Charity, Kolkata – the most prominent of the 16 orphanages and adoption centres run by Mother Teresa’s congregation of nuns. A chartered accountant from Bangalore, Bose had already tried her luckContinue Reading

Last month, I was reading Nathuram Godse’s statement to the court in his defence of murdering Mahatma Gandhi. The statement published in the form of a book titled ‘Why I killed Gandhi’ had me in a state of shock with Godse’s justification of his intolerance. I was convinced that menContinue Reading

SUPW — Four alphabets that were meant to shape our lives in addition to the usual subjects in school: Socially Useful and Productive Work. Yes, that was SUPW. Classes we looked forward to because it was in these classes that we students really got to do some work. Practically, thatContinue Reading