Ruler of Delhi to be decided Tuesday—February 10th, 2015
In just about 24-hours Delhi would know who would be its rulers, (of its 70-member assembly) —whether it would be the Congress party which had a long innings of being power, many times uninterrupted or the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) which has a strong backing of none other than India’sContinue Reading
For God’s sake, God is not at risk
No goddamn explanations can absolve these cowardly barbaric actsContinue Reading
Pope Francis’s first speech in Sri Lanka
Learn to live as one family: Pope to Sri LankansContinue Reading
Will India discard Father of the Nation?
Mahatma Gandhiji was the undisputed and unmatched leader of non-violence and peaceContinue Reading
Pants Up, Shades Down
The Uttar Pradesh Police have decided to ban policemen from wearing low-waist trousers and tight-fitting uniformsContinue Reading
I, the convert
My conversion was not a change of religion; it was a change of heartContinue Reading