By chhotebhai Kanpur, April 8, 2020: As the secretary of the Legion of Mary in my parish 51 years ago it was my lot to give a commentary on the Holy Week liturgy. That got me thinking on what was so unique about Jesus’ rather “limited” suffering on the cross.Continue Reading

By Arshad Alam New Delhi, April 5, 2020: They came with a promise of cleansing the system; a system that according to them was beset with nepotism and corruption. With the might of right-wing media and some influential think tanks doing their bidding, they were foisted on national imagination. ToastedContinue Reading

By Paul Parackal Rome, April 3, 2020: Our science and technology have reached greater heights. We have space stations and satellites in the space which can map the whole earth. A whole world of information and knowledge is on our palm with the arrival of smartphones. A tiny microscopic COVID-19Continue Reading

By M L Satyan Bengaluru, April 3, 2020: A recent news about six people dying of Covid-19 infection has sent an alarm across India. There were among thousands who had attended a meeting of the Islamic preachers’ organization known as Tablighi Jamaat in Delhi in March. Amid the 21-day nationwideContinue Reading

By chhotebhai Kanpur, March 31, 2020: This is a sequel to the article “Is Religion Dead?” published earlier. This query may sound sacrilegious to the pious, religious Christian. It maybe a valid question for those who claim that Jesus did not found any religion. In the wake of the Covid-19Continue Reading

By M L Satyan Bengaluru, March 30, 2020: The earth is a tiny dot in a vast, cosmic arena. The human history has seen many wars and crusades for capturing land, wealth and properties. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that inContinue Reading

By Varghese Alengaden Indore, March 26, 2020: Covid 19, which started in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, has turned into an unprecedented pandemic which has hit 196 countries killing more than 20,000 and infecting 450,000 people. Without visa this deadly virus has entered small and big countries killing hundreds everywhere.Continue Reading