By Lissy Maruthanakuzhy, Saji Thomas, Julian Das New Delhi, April 10, 2020: In India, a nationwide 21-day lockdown because of the COVID-19 pandemic has severely restricted the movements and activities of nuns of various congregations as well as their more than 1.37 billion countrymen since March 25. India accounts forContinue Reading

By Archana Masih Saran, April 4, 2020: Far from the metros and big cities, the coronavirus crisis in the country’s districts, towns and villages is being led by district magistrates. The responsibility of keeping the pandemic under control lies with the DM or collector. One of them is Subrat KumarContinue Reading

By Tola Mbakwe Guwahati, March 26, 2020: In Guwahati, the commercial capital of Assam state in northeastern India, Sister Rose Hauniang Paite has adapted her tailoring school in response to the looming threat of coronavirus over surrounding slums. The school is normally run as a community development initiative, offering skillsContinue Reading

Kollam, March 15, 2020: The two grandmothers who won the Nari Shakti Puraskar, met each other for the first time. On her way home after receiving India’s highest civilian award for recognizing the achievements and contributions of women from Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Karthyayani Amma visited Bhageerathi Amma at PrakkulamContinue Reading

American Catholics’ immersion in Indian culture By Maria Wiering Minnesota, March 14, 2020: Despite the Center for Mission’s best efforts to prepare us, none of us knew quite what to expect as our plane cleared India’s Malabar coast and prepared for landing in Kochi, Kerala’s largest city. Our flights tookContinue Reading

By Jessy Joseph New Delhi, March 11, 2020: When U.S. President Donald Trump made his first official visit to India in the last week of February, parts of Delhi, the national capital, were in flames. At least 50 people were killed and hundreds wounded in sectarian riots triggered by theContinue Reading