By Sukirti Dwivedi New Delhi, March 8, 2020: The violence in northeast Delhi in the last of week of February over contentious citizenship law that killed at least 50 people will remain etched in the memory of locals for a long time. But they will also remember stories of courage,Continue Reading

CATHOLIC BISHOPS’ CONFERENCE OF INDIA XXXIV PLENARY ASSEMBLY, ST. JOHN’S NATIONAL ACADEMY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, BENGALURU, 13-19 FEBRUARY 2020 Dialogue: Path to Truth and Charity INTRODUCTION We, the 192 member Bishops of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India, assembled for our XXXIV Plenary Assembly at St. John’s National Academy ofContinue Reading

By Archana Masih Aurangabad, Feb 19, 2020: For the past 19 days, Nandini Kumari, 17, has been travelling through Bihar in the Jan Gan Man Yatra against the CAA-NPR-NRC, spearheaded by Communist Party of India leader Kanhaiya Kumar. “People go crazy seeing him,” the teenager says in Hindi over theContinue Reading

By Karan Mahadik Mangaluru, Jan 29, 2020: Two overseas travelers were taken aback when they recently visited an indigenous community in the Ankola district of Karnataka state in southern India. The Halakki Vokkaliga tribe of Uttara Kannada lives at the foothills of the expansive Western Ghats. Maximilian Nerling of KasselContinue Reading