New Delhi, Jan. 10, 2020: Every night, 75-year-old Noornissa braves the freezing cold to help block one of the main roads into the capital of India, in a protest that is at the forefront of a rising challenge to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. For nearly four weeks, Noornissa and moreContinue Reading

New Delhi, Dec 27, 2019: Countries around the world have promised gender equality by 2030, but in 2019 a new index showed that even the most advanced nations weren’t doing enough to reach that goal. Women are still paid around 20 percent less than men and make up fewer thanContinue Reading

By Rajiv Theodore New Delhi, Dec 23, 2019: Precisely 48 years ago, on December 16, Pakistan surrendered to India at Dhaka’s Ramna Race Course, the largest military surrender after World War—11. One of the shortest wars that lasted for 13 days had ended with the chief of the Pakistani forces,Continue Reading

By Rajiv Theodore New Delhi, Dec 22, 2019: Long before Christianity reached many parts of Europe, it came to Kerala along the thriving spice trade routes crossing the Arabian Sea. Today, about 7 million people, a fifth of Kerala’s population, call themselves St. Thomas Christians after Jesus’ apostle, who manyContinue Reading