Thirteen kilometers away from the city of Udupi in Karnataka, nestled amid the verdant hills, lies the historically rich village of Brahmavar – an otherwise nondescript settlement that is home to the world’s only Konkani-speaking Orthodox parish. Towards the end of the 19th century, around 4,000 Catholic families comprising predominantlyContinue Reading

By Santosh Digal Colombo: Taize prayer, an ecumenical form of worship, has become an integral part of the plenary assemblies of the Federation of the Asian Bishops’ Conference (FABC) for past 16 years. It started after Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil, who was the then chairperson of the FABC Office of Evangelization,Continue Reading

By T S Thomas Negombo: A sleepy coastal town dotted with churches, coconut trees, lagoons, beaches and fishing boats lived up to its image as Sri Lanka’s “Little Rome” by hosting Catholic bishops from across Asia. The eleventh plenary assembly of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC) is currentlyContinue Reading