Changrabandha — Leaving home can be exciting, but also heartbreaking. Both the emotions Thursday found voice when the first group of enclave residents crossed over from Bangladesh to Cooch Behar. When the bus carrying 67 of them rolled into the Changrabanda checkpost on the Indian side, Swapna Barman could not holdContinue Reading

Bokaro: If it had been a village, a khap panchayat may have convicted them to death for falling in love. If it had been a metro, there might have been frowns but the families would have arranged a reception. But, because it is Bokaro, which falls somewhere in the middle, theContinue Reading

New Delhi: It’s early morning but already “Medicine Baba” Omkarnath Sharma is pounding the pavement in one of New Delhi’s upscale neighbourhoods, collecting the wellheeled’s leftover pills, capsules and syrups. Like a modern-day town crier, the 79-year-old calls to residents to bring out their medicines, rather than throw them away,Continue Reading